| Press Rel. Dust played a major role in dinosaur demise
/ Senel, C. B. ; Claeys, P. ; et al
| Press Rel. JUICE: Exploring the Icy Moons of Jupiter
/ Baland, R.-M. ; Van Hoolst, T. ; et al
| Press Rel. Hera Launch: Learning to Deflect an Asteroid
/ Ritter, B. ; Pham, L.B.S. ; et al
| Conf. Talk Cassini States of the Galilean satellites
/ Coyette, Alexis ; Baland, Rose-Marie ; et al
Talk presented at 22nd Meeting of the FNRS Contact Group Astronomie & Astrophysique / Astronomy Day of the Royal Observatory of Belgium on 2024-05-23
| Seminar Spin Orientation of the Galilean Satellites
/ Yseboodt, Marie ; Baland, Rose-Marie
Seminar presented at JUICE Cartography working group meeting on 2024-11-19
| Seminar Spin Orientation of the Galilean Satellites
/ Yseboodt, Marie ; Baland, Rose-Marie ; et al
Seminar presented at GALA Meeting on 2024-10-25
| Seminar Mars orientation and rotation angles
/ Yseboodt, Marie ; Baland, Rose-Marie ; et al
Seminar presented at CASSYNI Research seminars on 2024-01-26
| Seminar Cassini State : Europa & Ganymede
/ Baland, Rose-Marie ; Coyette, Alexis ; et al
Seminar presented at Royal Observatory of Belgium on 2024-07-05
| Conf. Poster Modeling the Cassini States of large icy satellites with an angular momentum approach
/ Coyette, Alexis ; Baland, Rose-Marie ; et al
Poster presented at EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria on 2024-04-14
| Book Section The Rotation of Ganymede
/ Stark, Alexander ; Baland, Rose-Marie ; et al