Space Pole Publications Server 18 records found  previous11 - 18  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
VRT radio 1 "De Ochtend": Belgische satelliet viert tiende verjaardag in de ruimte / Berghmans, D.
Program broadcasted on VRT, Radio 1 on 2019-11-02 [RADIOTV-2019-0023]
Conf. Poster 
Exceptional Extended Field of View Observations by SWAP on 1 and 3 April 2017 / O'Hara, Jennifer ; Mierla, Marilena ; et al
Poster presented at ESWW15 Leuven on 2018-11-09 [POSTER-2018-0062]
Files: Download fulltextPDF;
Conf. Poster 
Exceptional Extended Field of View Observations by SWAP on 1 and 3 April 2017 / O'Hara, Jennifer ; Mierla, Marilena ; et al
Poster presented at 2018 SDO Science Workshop on 2018-10-31 [POSTER-2018-0061]
Files: Download fulltextPDF;
Conf. Talk 
The detection of ultra-relativistic electrons in low Earth orbit / Katsiyannis, Athanassios ; Dominique, Marie ; et al
Talk presented at 14th European Space Weather Week on 2017-11-28 [CTALK-2018-0016]
Conf. Talk (Inv.) 
Particle acceleration event observed in the extended solar corona by SWAP telescope during off-pointing campaign on 01 April 2017. / Podladchikova, Olena ; D'Huys, Elke ; et al
Invited talk presented at PROBA2 SWT at ESWW14, Oostende, Belgium on 2017-11-28 [CTALK-2018-0003]
Conf. Talk (Inv.) 
How the PROBA2 satellite help us better understand solar activity and space weather / Katsiyannis, Thanassis
Invited talk presented at Annual Asia Oceania Geoscience Society Meeting on 2014-08-01 [CTALK-2017-0051]
Conf. Poster 
The discovery of an electron current at Earth's McIlwain L=6 / Katsiyannis, T ; Dominique, M ; et al
Poster presented at European Space Weather Week 13, Oostende, Belgium on 2016-11-15 [POSTER-2017-0015]
Conf. Talk 
The discovery of an electron current at Earth's McIlwain L=6 / Katsiyannis, Thanassis ; Dominique, Marie ; et al
Talk presented at SDO 2016: Unraveling the Sun's complexity on 2016-10-19 [CTALK-2017-0050]

Space Pole Publications Server : 18 records found   previous11 - 18  jump to record:
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