Space Pole Publications Server 61 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Sakurai's object: a [WC] star in a new bipolar nebula after a VLTP / an de Steene, Griet ; van Hoof, Peter ; et al
Poster presented at IAUS 384: Planetary Nebulae: a Universal Toolbox in the Era of Precision Astrophysics on 2023-09-04 [POSTER-2025-0028]
Science Article (Ref.) 
Non-thermal radio emission in Sakurai's Object / Hajduk, M. ; van Hoof, P. A. M. ; Zijlstra, A. A. ; Van de Steene, G. ; et al
published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 688, id.L21, 6 pp., 688 issue L, pp. 21-26 (2024) 10.1051/0004-6361/202450496 [SCART-2025-0020]
Science Article (Ref.) 
JWST observations of the Ring Nebula (NGC 6720): I. Imaging of the rings, globules, and arcs / Wesson, R. ; Matsuura, Mikako ; Zijlstra, Albert A. ; Volk, Kevin ; et al
published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 528 issue 2, pp. 3392-3416 (2024) 10.1093/mnras/stad3670 [SCART-2025-0019]
Science Article (Ref.) 
The heart of Sakurai's object revealed by ALMA / Tafoya, Daniel ; van Hoof, Peter A. M. ; Toalá, Jesús A. ; Van de Steene, Griet ; et al
published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 667, pp. 8 (2023) 10.1051/0004-6361/202347293 [SCART-2025-0018]
Science Article (Ref.) 
SMC-Last Extracted Photometry / Kuchar, T.A. ; Sloan, G.C. ; Mizuno, D.R. ; Kraemer, K.E. ; et al
published in Astronomical Journal, 167, pp. 149 (2024) [SCART-2025-0005]
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Science Article (Ref.) 
Recombination of Hot Ionized Nebulae: The Old Planetary Nebula around V4334 Sgr (Sakurai's Star) / A Reichel, Martin; ; Kimeswenger, Stefan; ; van Hoof, Peter A. M.; ; Zijlstra, Albert A.; ; et al
published in The Astrophysical Journal, 939 issue 2, pp. 103-114 (2022) 10.3847/1538-4357/ac90c4 [SCART-2023-0009]
Science Article (Ref.) 
The messy death of a multiple star system and the resulting planetary nebula as observed by JWST / De Marco, Orsola; ; Akashi, Muhammad; ; Akras, Stavros; ; Alcolea, Javier; ; et al
published in Nature Astronomy, 6 issue dec, pp. 1423-1432 (2022) 10.1038/s41550-022-01845-2 [SCART-2023-0008]
Science Article (Ref.) 
DEATHSTAR: Nearby AGB stars with the Atacama Compact Array II. CO envelope sizes and asymmetries: The S-type stars / Andriantsaralaza, M. ; Ramstedt, S. ; Vlemmings, W.H.T. ; Danilovich, T. ; et al
published in A&A, 653, pp. A53 (2021) [SCART-2021-0139]
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Science Article (Ref.) 
DEATHSTAR: Nearby AGB stars with the Atacama Compact Array I. CO envelope sizes and asymmetries: A new hope for accurate mass-loss-rate estimates / Ramstedt, S. ; Vlemmings, W. H. T. ; Doan, L. ; Danilovich, T. ; et al
published in A&A, 640, pp. A133 (2020) 10.1051/0004-6361/201936874 [SCART-2020-0195]
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Stellar Pulsation and the Production of Dust and Molecules in Galactic Carbon Stars / Kraemer, K.E. ; Sloan, G.C. ; Keller, L.D. ; McDonald, I. ; et al
published in ApJ, 877, pp. 82 (2019) [SCART-2019-0208]
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