| Conf. Poster Recurrent 3He-rich solar energetic particle injections observed by So-lar Orbiter
/ Bučík, L. ; Many, Coauthors ; et al
Poster presented at EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria on 2023-04-23
| Conf. Poster PLAnetary plasma Turbulence and Intermittency coupling with interplanetary transients from data analysis and NUmerical Modelling (PLATINUM) - a new BRAIN-BE collaborative project
/ Echim, M. ; Many, Coauthors ; et al
Poster presented at European Space Weather Week 2023, Toulouse, France on 2023-11-20
| Conf. Talk A statistical Study of Prominence Eruptions Observed by EUI/FSI
/ D’Huys, E. ; Rodriguez, L. ; et al
Talk presented at EUI consortium meeting on 2023-09-13
| Conf. Poster E-SWAN working group on sustainability
/ Behlke, R. ; Berghmans, D. ; et al
Poster presented at European Space Weather Week 2023, Toulouse, France on 2023-11-20
| Conf. Talk Towards building a comprehensive data model and infrastructure for collect-ing and querying event chains
/ Maneva, Y. ; Delouille, V. ; et al
Talk presented at European Space Weather Week 2023, Toulouse, France on 2023-11-20
| Conf. Poster CME erosion studies using EUHFORIA
/ Maharana, A. ; Dasso, S. ; et al
Poster presented at European Space Weather Week 2023, Toulouse, France on 2023-11-20
| Conf. Poster Understanding SEP propagation in CME-CME interaction scenarios
/ Niemela, A. ; Wijsen, N. ; et al
Poster presented at European Space Weather Week 2023, Toulouse, France on 2023-11-20
| Science Article Firefly: The Case for a Holistic Understanding of the Global Structure and Dynamics of the Sun and the Heliosphere
/ Raouafi, Nour E. ; Hoeksema, J. Todd ; Newmark, Jeffrey S. ; Gibson, Sarah ; et al
published in Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Decadal Survey for Solar and Space Physics (Heliophysics) 2024-2033, white paper, 55 issue 3 (2023)
| CMEs and CIRs observed at the Earth, Venus and Mars for the PLATINUM project
/ Shukhobodskaia, D. ; Rodriguez, L. ; et al
Poster presented at European Space Weather Week 2023, Toulouse, France on 2023-11-20
| PLATINUM (PLAnetary plasma Turbulence and Intermittency): data selection
/ Shukhobodskaia, D. ; Rodriguez, L. ; et al
Seminar presented at ROB on 2022-04-28