Space Pole Publications Server 4 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
The atmosphere of Mars as observed by InSight / Banfield, Don ; Spiga, Aymeric ; Newman, Claire ; Forget, François ; et al
published in Nature Geoscience, 13, pp. 190-198 (2020) 10.1038/s41561-020-0534-0 [SCART-2020-0123]
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Conf. Poster 
Seasonal variations of the Mars Hadley cell and methane release may drive the seasonal methane cycle at Gale Crater / Pla-Garcia, Jorge ; Rafkin, Scot C. ; et al
Poster presented at AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA on 2018-12-13 [POSTER-2019-0068]
Conf. Talk 
Martian winds could drive seasonal methane variations observed by MSL-SAM: implications for TGO observations / Pla-Garcia, Jorge ; Rafkin, Scot C. ; et al
Talk presented at European Planetary Science Congress 2018, Berlin, Germany on 2018-09-20 [CTALK-2019-0086]
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Conf. Talk 
Martian winds drive seasonal methane variations observed by MSL-SAM / Pla-Garcia, Jorge ; Rafkin, Scot C. ; et al
Talk presented at EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria on 2018-04-10 [CTALK-2019-0085]
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