| Conf. Talk EPN Densification: where to go?
/ Kenyeres, A. ; Baron, A. ; et al
Talk presented at Symposium of the IAG Subcommission for Europe (EUREF), Amsterdam, the Netherlands on 2018-05-31
| Conf. Talk The EPOS Thematic Core Service (TCS) "GNSS"
/ Fernandes, R. ; Bos, M. ; et al
Talk presented at Symposium of the IAG Subcommission for Europe (EUREF), Amsterdam, the Netherlands on 2018-06-01
| Conf. Poster GNSS Metadata Mananagement and Distribution System (M3G)
/ Fabian, A. ; Bruyninx, C. ; et al
Poster presented at Symposium of the IAG Subcommission for Europe (EUREF), Amsterdam, the Netherlands on 2018-05-30
| Conf. Talk Multi-GNSS Capability of the EUREF Permanent Tracking Network
/ Bruyninx, C. ; Legrand, J. ; et al
Talk presented at Symposium of the IAG Subcommission for Europe (EUREF), Amsterdam, the Netherlands on 2018-05-30
| Conf. Talk Individual Antenna Calibrations in the EPN: Past, Present, and Future
/ Bruyninx, C. ; Legrand, J.
Talk presented at Symposium of the IAG Subcommission for Europe (EUREF), Amsterdam, the Netherlands on 2018-06-01
| Conf. Talk ROB's GNSS Contribution to EPOS
/ Bruyninx, C. ; Fabian, A. ; et al
Talk presented at Symposium of the IAG Subcommission for Europe (EUREF), Amsterdam, the Netherlands on 2018-06-01
| Conf. Talk EPOS-GNSS Network Management and Implementation in M3G
/ Bruyninx, C. ; Fabian, A. ; et al
Talk presented at EPOS-IP WP10 Workshop, Coimbra, Portugal on 2018-01-16
| Science Article EUREF 2018 National Report of Belgium
/ Bruyninx, C. ; Bergeot, N. ; Chatzinikos, M. ; Chevalier, J.-M. ; et al
published in Proc. Symposium of the IAG Subcommission for Europe (EUREF) held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 30 May - 01 June 2018 (2018)
| Science Article EPOS-IP Deliverable D10.4 Report on Use Cases, Requirements, Metadata and Interoperability of WP10
/ Bruyninx, C. ; Legrand, J. ; Fabian, A. ; EPOS, GNSS team
published in Internal EPOS report, pp. 1-13 (2018)
| Science Article Data Management Plan for the EPOS GNSS TCS
/ Bruyninx, C. ; Kenyeres, A. ; Söhne, W. ; Dousa, J. ; et al
published in Internal EPOS report, pp. 1-37 (2018)