Space Pole Publications Server 13 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Conf. Poster 
The COMESEP Space Weather Alert System / Rodriguez, L. ; Crosby, N. ; et al
Poster presented at Space Weather: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach, Leiden, Netherlands (2017) on 2017-09-25 [POSTER-2018-0016]
Conf. Poster 
COMESEP: bridging the gap between the SEP, CME and terrestrial effects scientific communities / Crosby, N. ; Veronig, A. ; et al
Poster presented at EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria on 2016-04-17 [POSTER-2017-0020]
Conf. Talk (Inv.) 
Distributing and mining SDO data in Europe / Parenti, S. ; Delouille, V. ; et al
Invited talk presented at COSPAR 2010, Session "New Views of the Sun with SDO (E22)", Bremen, Germany on 2010-xx-xx [SIDCimport-1162]
Science Article 
COMESEP Deliverable D6.3: System documentation / Calders, Stijn ; Rodriguez, L. ; Dierckxsens, M. ; Dalla, S. ; et al
published in Internal COMESEP report (2013) [SIDCimport-1092]
Science Article 
COMESEP Deliverable D5.5: Report on the evaluation of forecasting tools / Dalla, S. ; Vrsnak, B. ; Dierckxsens, M. ; Crosby, N. B. ; et al
published in Internal COMESEP report (2013) [SIDCimport-1089]
Science Article 
COMESEP Deliverable D4.2: Report of SOHO event data collection and statistical / Dierckxsens, M. ; Devos, A. ; Dalla, S. ; Dumbovic, M. ; et al
published in Internal COMESEP report (2013) [SIDCimport-1087]
Science Article (Ref.) 
Solar Eruptive Filament Studies at USO for the COMESEP Project / Srivastava, N. ; Crosby, N. B. ; Veronig, A. M. ; Robbrecht, E. ; et al
published in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Solar Terrestrial physics (ISSTP-2012). (2013) [SIDCimport-1033]
Conf. Poster 
The COMESEP alert system / Crosby, N. B. ; Veronig, A. M. ; et al
Poster presented at Tenth European Space Weather Week, Antwerp, Belgium, November 18-22, 2013. on 2013-11-xx [SIDCimport-1031]
Conf. Poster 
COMESEP: a new type of space weather alert system / Crosby, N. B. ; Veronig, A. M. ; et al
Poster presented at European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria, April 7-12, 2013. on 2013-04-xx [SIDCimport-1028]
Conf. Talk 
The COMESEP Space Weather Alert System / Rodriguez, L. ; Devos, A. ; et al
Talk presented at 10th European Space Weather Week (ESWW10) meeting, Antwerp, Belgium on 2013-11-xx [SIDCimport-815]

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