| Outreach RadioTV Interview concernant la nuit des Perseides
/ Bechet, Sabrina ; Dominique, Marie
Program broadcasted on La Une (TV), Journal Télévisé, 13h and 19h30 on 2024-08-09
| Conf. Talk Effect of the inclination angle of solar rotation axis on Ca II K structures using direct solar observations
/ Vanden Broeck, Grégory ; Bechet, Sabrina ; et al
Talk presented at Triennial Earth-Sun Summit, Dallas, United States on 2024-04-09
Files: PPTX; |
| Conf. Talk Comparison of the magnetic structures in full-disk solar Ca II K images and Sun-as-a-star S-Index
/ Vanden Broeck, Grégory ; Bechet, Sabrina ; et al
Talk presented at International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Berlin, Germany on 2023-07-13
Files: PPTX; |
| Science Article (Ref.) Magnitude Estimates for the Carrington Flare in 1859 September: As Seen from the Original Records
/ Hayakawa, Hisashi ; Bechet, Sabrina ; Clette, Frédéric ; Hudson, Hugh S. ; et al
published in The Astrophysical Journal , 954 issue 1 (2023)
| USET whole-disk images - L1 centered
/ Bechet, Sabrina ; Clette, Frédéric
| Outreach RadioTV Hors Cadre – Experts du Soleil : la tête dans les étoiles
/ Clette, Frédéric ; Bechet, Sabrina ; et al
Program broadcasted on BX1 on 2023-11-24
| Outreach Talk Interview pour le MOOC Recherche Reproductible 2
/ Clette, Frédéric ; Bechet, Sabrina
Talk presented at Chesany, France on 2023-06-28
| Dataset USET whole-disk images - L0
/ Clette, Frédéric ; Bechet, Sabrina ; et al
| Dataset USET daily sunspot drawings (photosphere)
/ Clette, Frédéric ; Bechet, Sabrina ; et al
| Conf. Poster Segmentation, grouping and classification of sunspots from ground-based observations using deep learning methods
/ Sayez, Niels ; De Vleeschouwer, Christophe ; et al
Poster presented at Machine Learning and Computer vision in heliophysics, Sofia, Bulgaria on 2023-04-20