| Seminar Le poids de l’eau (et le choc des photos): Etude de l’eau souterraine à l’aide de mesures au sol de la pesanteur
/ Van Camp, M.
Seminar presented at La Rochelle Université, LIENSS on 2022-10-27
| Le poids de l'eau
/ Van Camp, M.
Seminar presented at La Rochelle Université on 2022-10-27
| Chronicle of processes leading to the 2018 eruption at Mt. Etna as inferred by seismic ambient noise along with geophysical and geochemical observables.
/ Büyükakpınar, P. ; Cannata, A. ; Cannavò, F. ; Carbone, D. ; et al
accepted to be published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth (2022)
| Hybrid gravity monitoring to decipher crustal processes in the Eifel volcanic field
/ Gabriel, G. ; Van Camp, M. ; et al
Talk presented at Workshop “SPP Eifel” (SPP= DFG Schwerpunktprogramme priority program): „The Eifel - a key site to study continental basaltic volcanic fields on 2021-02-24
| Lasers and Ultracold Atoms for a Changing Earth
/ Van Camp, M. ; Pereira dos Santos, F. ; Murbröck, M. ; Petit, G. ; et al
published in EOS, 103 issue 1, pp. 32-37 (2022)
Files: PDF; |
| Conf. Talk The LASUGEO project: monitoring LAnd SUbsidence caused by Groundwater exploitation through gEOdetic measurements.
/ Devleeschouwer, Xavier ; Choopani, Atefe ; et al
Talk presented at 7th INTERNATIONAL GOGICA BELGICA MEETING 2021 on 2021-09-15
| Seminar Investigating groundwater content by using terrestrial gravity measurements
/ Van Camp, M. ; de Viron, O. ; et al
Seminar presented at Watergroep (videoconferencing from ROB) on 2020-10-09
| Seminar Investigating ground water content by using terrestrial gravity measurements
/ Van Camp, M. ; de Viron, O. ; et al
Seminar presented at De Watergroep on 2020-10-09
| Conf. Talk (Inv.) Hydrogeological effects on terrestrial gravity measurements
/ Van Camp, M. ; Dassargues, A. ; et al
Invited talk presented at AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco on 2019-12-12
| The Karag Project, Karst Aquifer ReseArch by Geophysics
/ Van Camp, M ; Watlet, A ; et al
Invited talk presented at Belgian Chapter of the International Association of Hydrogeologists IAH :Journée d’Etudes 2019 – « Hydrogéophysique »Journée de l'eau à Rochefort on 2019-05-24