| Science Article (Ref.) Observations of Fan-Spine Topology by Solar Orbiter/EUI: Rotational Motions and Indications of Alfvén Waves
/ Petrova, E. ; Van Doorsselaere, T. ; Berghmans, D. ; Parenti, S. ; et al
accepted to be published in AA (2024)
| Conf. Talk Title: Initiation of Alfvénic turbulence by Alfvén wave collisions: a numerical study
/ Shestov, S ; Voitenko, Y ; et al
Talk presented at Fifth Uk-Ukraine-Spain meeting on Solar Physics and Space Sciences on 2019-08-29
| Conf. Talk Nonlinear torsional Alfven waves in magnetic flux tubes
/ Shestov, S. ; Nakariakov, V. M. ; et al
Talk presented at IBUKS 2016, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium on 2016-06-15