| Science Article (Ref.) A Model for Estimating the Earth’s Outgoing Radiative Flux from A Moon-Based Radiometer.
/ Zhang, Yuan ; Dewitte, Steven ; Bi, Shangshi
submitted to Remote Sensing, 15 issue (15), pp. 3773 (2023)
| Science Article (Ref.) The Uncertainty Analysis of the Entrance Pupil Irradiance for a Moon-Based Earth Radiation Observation Instrument.
/ Zhang, Yuan ; Dewitte, Steven ; Bi, Shangsi
published in Remote Sensing, 15 issue (17), pp. 4132 (2023)
| Science Article (Ref.) A Multispectral Camera Suite for the Observation of Earth’s Outgoing Radiative Energy.
/ Dewitte, Steven ; Abdul Nazar, Ameen ; Zhang, Yuan ; Smeesters, Lien
published in Remote Sensing, 15 issue (23), pp. 5487 (2023)