Space Pole Publications Server 5 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Science Article (Ref.) 
Fleeting Small-scale Surface Magnetic Fields Build the Quiet-Sun Corona / Chitta, L. P. ; Solanki, S. K. ; del Toro Iniesta, J. C. ; Woch, J. ; et al
published in Astrophysical Journal Letters, 956, pp. L1 (2023) 10.3847/2041-8213/acf136 [SCART-2024-0059]
Conf. Talk 
Multi-spacecraft study of CMEs / Rodriguez, L. ; Zhukov, A.N. ; et al
Talk presented at SOHO-17: 10 Years of SOHO and Beyond, Sicily, Italy, May 2006 on 2006-xx-xx [SIDCimport-1380]
Conf. Poster 
SIGMA (Solar Investigation using a Global coronal Magnetograph): A new space mission to measure the magnetic field in the solar corona / Consortium, SIGMA ; Zhukov, A.N. ; et al
Poster presented at 5th Solar Orbiter Workshop, Brugge on 2012-xx-xx [SIDCimport-946]
Science Article (Ref.) 
Elemental abundances of energetic particles within magnetic clouds detected by Ulysses / Rodriguez, L. ; Krupp, N. ; Woch, J. ; Fraenz, M.
published in Astrophysical Journal, 673, pp. 621-628 (2008) [SIDCimport-269]
Science Article 
In-situ and remote observations of CMEs / Rodriguez, L. ; Zhukov, A.N. ; Woch, J. ; Krupp, N. ; et al
published in IAU Symposium Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 233, ed. by V. Bothmer and A. Hady. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006 (2006) [SIDCimport-261]

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6 Woch, J.
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