Space Pole Publications Server 13 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.03 seconds. 
Science Article (Ref.) 
Analysis of two selected solar events in 2011 and 2015 with Mars Express radio occultation data / Krishnan, A. ; Karatekin, O. ; Verkercke, S. ; Henry, G. ; et al
published in Radio Science, 58 issue 12, pp. 1-14. (2023) 10.1029/2023RS007784 [SCART-2024-0117]
Science Article 
Analysis of selected Solar events with Mars Express radio occultation data. / Karatekin, Ö. ; Krishnan, A. ; Ebrahimkutty, N. ; Henry, G. ; et al
published in Proc. European Planetary Science Congress 2021, 2021, pp. EPSC2021–562 (2021) 10.5194/epsc2021-562 [SCART-2023-0066]
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Science Article (Ref.) 
CME Magnetic Structure and IMF Preconditioning Affecting SEP Transport / Palmerio, E. ; Kilpua, E. ; Witasse, O. ; Barnes, D. ; et al
published in Space Weather, 19, pp. e2020SW002654 10.1029/2020SW002654 [SCART-2021-0039]
Conf. Talk 
MoMo’s prediction of Mars’ ionosphere contribution to InSight RISE Doppler data / Le Maistre, Sebastien ; Bergeot, Nicolas ; et al
Talk presented at EGU online on 2020-05-08 [CTALK-2021-0019]
Conf. Talk 
MoMo's prediction of Mars' ionosphere contribution to InSight RISE Doppler data. / Le Maistre, S. ; Bergeot, N. ; et al
Talk presented at European Geoscience Union, Vienna, Austria on 2020-05-04 [CTALK-2020-0142]
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Conf. Talk 
Following the evolution of coronal mass ejections across the heliosphere / Palmerio, E. ; Witasse, O. ; et al
Talk presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, US on 2019-12-12 [CTALK-2020-0085]
Conf. Talk 
A new empirical model for Mars Ionosphere to correct radio signal experiments / Bergeot, N. ; Witasse, O. ; et al
Talk presented at EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019, Geneva, Switzerland on 2019-09-16 [CTALK-2020-0051]
Science Article (Ref.) 
MoMo: a new empirical model of the Mars ionospheric total electron content based on Mars Express MARSIS data / Bergeot, Nicolas ; Witasse, Olivier ; Le Maistre, Sebastien ; Blelly, Pierre-Louis ; et al
published in Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 9 (2019) 10.1051/swsc/2019035 [SCART-2020-0033]
Science Article 
A new empirical model for Mars Ionosphere to correct radio signal experiments. / Bergeot, N. ; Witasse, O. ; Le Maistre, S. ; Blelly, P.L. ; et al
published in Proc. EPSC 2019, Geneva, Switzerland, 15-20 September 2019, pp. EPSC2019-642 (2019) [SCART-2019-0237]
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Science Article (Ref.) 
The DREAMS experiment onboard the Schiaparelli Module of the ExoMars 2016 mission: design, performances and expected result. / Esposito, F. ; Debei, S. ; Bettanini, C. ; Molfese, C. ; et al
published in Space Science Reviews, 214 issue 6, pp. Id. 103, 38 pages (2018) 10.1007/s11214-018-0535-0 [SCART-2019-0148]
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12 Witasse, O.
2 Witasse, Olivier
2 Witasse, Olivier
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