Space Pole Publications Server 18 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.03 seconds. 
Science Article 
High Precision Wavelength Calibration of Echelle CCD Spectra / Hensberge, H. ; Verschueren, W.
published in Errors, Bias and Uncertainties in Astronomy, pp. 335 (1990) [ASTROimport-609]
Science Article 
Sampling Effects in Extracted CCD Spectra / Hensberge, H. ; Verschueren, W.
published in European Southern Observatory Conference and Workshop Proceedings, 34, pp. 3 (1990) [ASTROimport-608]
Science Article 
Improved Algorithms for Echelle Data Reduction with MIDAS / Verschueren, W. ; Hensberge, H.
published in European Southern Observatory Conference and Workshop Proceedings, 34, pp. 143 (1990) [ASTROimport-607]
Science Article 
High precision radial velocity determinations for the study of the internal kinematical and dynamical structure and evolution of young stellar groups. / Hensberge, H. ; van Dessel, E. L. ; Burger, M. ; de Zeeuw, P. T. ; et al
published in The Messenger, 61, pp. 20-21 (1990) [ASTROimport-604]
Science Article 
Towards accurate radial velocities from early type spectra in the framework of an ESO key programme / Verschueren, W. ; David, M. ; Hensberge, H.
published in Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, 62, pp. 953-958 (1991) [ASTROimport-597]
Science Article 
Stellar Long-Slit Spectroscopy in a Nebular Background / Hensberge, H. ; Verschueren, W.
published in European Southern Observatory Conference and Workshop Proceedings, 41, pp. 13 (1992) [ASTROimport-582]
Science Article 
Rectification of CASPEC Echelle Spectra / David, M. ; Hensberge, H. ; Verschueren, W.
published in European Southern Observatory Conference and Workshop Proceedings, 41, pp. 163 (1992) [ASTROimport-581]
Science Article 
On the imaging quality of some CCD systems at ESO. / Hensberge, H. ; Brown, A. G. A. ; Verschueren, W. ; de Geus, E. J.
published in European Southern Observatory Conference and Workshop Proceedings, 47 (1993) [ASTROimport-570]
Science Article 
Spectral Classification from Low-Resolution CCD Long-Slit Spectra / Hensberge, H. ; Verschueren, W. ; Rogl, J.
published in The MK Process at 50 Years: A Powerful Tool for Astrophysical Insight, 60, pp. 358 (1994) [ASTROimport-560]
Science Article 
The Age of and the Distance to the Young Stellar Cluster NGC 2244 in Northern Monoceros / Hensberge, H. ; Pavlovski, K. ; Verschueren, W.
published in Star Formation from the Small to the Large Scale, 445, pp. 395 (2000) [ASTROimport-501]

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