| Conf. Talk (Inv.) Statistical study of prominence eruptions in the wide field of view of Solar Orbiter/EUI/FSI
/ Dorsch, Brenda Daniela ; Rodriguez, Luciano ; et al
Invited talk presented at STEREO Science Team Meeting, Maryland, USA. on 2025-03-03
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| EUI contribution to the PHI/STIX White-light flare campaign
/ Berghmans, David ; Loumou, Konstantina ; et al
Talk presented at Solar Orbiter Science Operations Working Group, ESAC, Madrid (Spain) on 2024-01-14
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| Conf. Talk Statistical study of prominence eruptions in the wide field of view of Solar Orbiter/EUI/FSI
/ Talpeanu, Dana-Camelia ; Rodriguez, Luciano ; et al
Talk presented at IAU Symposium 388: Solar and Stellar Coronal Mass Ejections, Krakow, Poland on 2024-05-07
| Conf. Poster Statistical study of prominence eruptions in the wide field of view of Solar Orbiter/EUI/FSI
/ Talpeanu, Dana-Camelia ; D'Huys, Elke ; et al
Poster presented at Joint Solar Orbiter, Parker Solar Probe, and DKIST Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, USA on 2024-04-11
| Science Article (Ref.) Solar flares in the Solar Orbiter era: Short-exposure EUI/FSI observations of STIX flares
/ Collier, Hannah ; Hayes, Laura A. ; Purkhart, Stefan ; Krucker, Säm ; et al
published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 692 issue id.A176 (2024)
| Conf. Poster EUI onboard Solar Orbiter: unique data for high resolution, far corona and connection science
/ Verbeeck, Cis ; Zhukov, Andrei ; et al
Poster presented at 17th European Solar Physics Meeting, Turin on 2024-09-09
| Conf. Talk High-Resolution Observations from the Solar Orbiter Major Flare SOOP Campaign: Insights from X-ray and Fast Cadence EUV Observations of Solar Flares
/ Hayes, Laura ; Verbeeck, Cis ; et al
Talk presented at 17th European Solar Physics Meeting, Turin on 2024-09-12
| Conf. Talk The May 2024 flare sequence: a rich opportunity for QPP analysis
/ Dominique, Marie ; Christophe Marqué, Christophe ; et al
Talk presented at 17th European Solar Physics Conference, Turin on 2024-09-12
| Conf. Poster Extreme–ultraviolet transient brightenings in the quiet-Sun corona observed with Solar Orbiter/EUI
/ Narang, Nancy ; Verbeeck, Cis ; et al
Poster presented at 17th European Solar Physics Meeting, Turino, Italy on 2024-09-09
| Waves in coronal structures up to 1 Rsun?
/ Berghmans, David ; Zhukov, Andrei ; et al
Talk presented at 17th European Solar Physics Meeting on 2024-09-10