| Press Rel. OMMEGANG: searching for dark matter with satellites and gravimeters
/ Pham, L.B.S. ; Bertrand, B. ; et al
| Conf. Poster Pumping tests and hydrogeological characteristics of the Cambrian aquifer in the Belgian Brabant provinces for geothermal potential
/ Walraevens, Kristine ; Yenehun, Alemu ; et al
Poster presented at Geologica Belgica Luxemburga International Meeting 2024, Liège, Belgium on 2024-09-12
Files: PDF; |
| Science Article (Ref.) Probing primordial black holes and dark matter clumps in the Solar System with gravimeter and Global Navigation Satellite Systems networks
/ Cuadrat-Grzybowski, Michal ; Clesse, Sébastien ; Defraigne, Pascale ; Van Camp, Michel ; et al
published in Physical Review D, 110 issue 6, pp. 063029 (2024)
| Science Article Observing dark matter clumps and asteroid-mass primordial black holes in the solar system with gravimeters and GNSS networks
/ Bertrand, Bruno ; Cuadrat-Grzybowski, Miguel ; Defraigne, Pascale ; Van Camp, Michel ; et al
published in Proceedings of the 2023 Gravitation session of the 57th Rencontres de Moriond (2023)
| Conf. Talk Seismological contribution to the EPOS.BE key ESFRI research infrastructures
/ Zeckra, Martin ; Van Noten, Koen ; et al
Talk presented at EPOS-BE Final Meeting on 2023-06-23
Files: PDF; |
| Outreach Article Un séisme à faible profondeur à Waimes, à la suite d’autres près de la frontière
/ Van Camp, Michel
published in La Meuse Sud Info, 03/03/2023 (2023)
Files: PNG; |
| Outreach RadioTV JT 19h00
/ Van Camp, Michel
Program broadcasted on RTL-TVI on 2023-02-21
Files: MP4; |
| Outreach RadioTV 16/17
/ Van Camp, Michel
Program broadcasted on 1RCF on 2023-02-15
Files: MP3; |
| Outreach RadioTV Carrefour de l'info, en direct avec Tarik Laabi
/ Van Camp, Michel
Program broadcasted on AraBel FM on 2023-02-13
| Outreach RadioTV Journal Parlé en français
/ Van Camp, Michel
Program broadcasted on Vatican News on 2023-02-09
Files: MP3; |