| Conf. Talk The Importance of Collecting Multi-Source Sporadic Observations for Space Weather Monitoring and Model Verification: The Potential Role of ESWAN
/ Dominique, Marie ; Thiemann, Edward ; et al
Talk presented at ESWW 2024 on 2024-11-07
| Science Article Ultraviolet Occultations: An Essential Technique for Bridging the Thermospheric Gap
/ Thiemann, Edward ; Berger, Thomas ; Bhattacharya, Dolon ; Dominique, Marie ; et al
published in Bulletin of the AAS, Whitepaper in the Decadal Survey for Solar and Space Physics (Heliophysics) 2024-2033, 55 issue 3 (2023)
| Conf. Poster How can SOSPIM contribute to the monitoring of thermospheric densities and their fluctuations with solar activity?
/ Dominique, Marie ; Thiemann, Edward ; et al
Poster presented at ESWW 2022, Zagreb, Craotia on 2022-10-26
| Conf. Poster Real-Time Operational Measurements of the Thermospheric State: Recent Advances and Future Possibilities
/ Thiemann, Edward ; Sewell, Robert ; et al
Poster presented at AGU, Chicago, USA on 2022-12-14
| Conf. Talk Solar EUV Photometers as Compact Sensors for Measuring Thermospheric Density, Temperature and Composition
/ Thiemann, Edward ; Sewell, Robert ; et al
Talk presented at SSWRF II, Laurel, USA on 2022-10-06
| Conf. Talk A spectral solar irradiance monitor (SoSpIM) on the JAXA Solar-C (EUVST) space mission
/ Harra, Louise K. ; Alberti, Andrea ; et al
Talk presented at COSPAR, Athens, Greece on 2022-07-23
| Science Article (Ref.) The Thermosphere is a Drag: the 2022 Starlink Incident and the Threat of Geomagnetic Storms to Low Earth Orbit Space Operations
/ Berger, Tom E. ; Dominique, Marie ; Lucas, G., ; Pilinski, M. ; et al
accepted to be published in Space Weather, 21 issue 3 (2023)
| Conf. Poster Comparing the Variability of the of Earth and Mars Thermospheres during Solar Cycle 24 using Solar Occultation
/ Thiemann, Edward ; Dominique, Marie ; et al
Poster presented at Whole Heliosphere and Planetary Interactions Workshop, online on 2021-09-17
| Conf. Talk EUV Solar Occultations of the Thermosphere Reveal Unexpectedly Cool Temperatures at the Evening Terminator
/ Thiemann, Edward ; Dominique, Marie
Talk presented at IAGA-IASPEI 2021, online on 2021-08-22
| Science Article (Ref.) PROBA2 LYRA Occultations: Thermospheric Temperature and Composition, Sensitivity to EUV Forcing and Comparisons with Mars
/ Thiemann, Edward ; Dominique, Marie
published in Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics (2021)