| Conf. Talk (Inv.) Statistical study of prominence eruptions in the wide field of view of Solar Orbiter/EUI/FSI
/ Dorsch, Brenda Daniela ; Rodriguez, Luciano ; et al
Invited talk presented at STEREO Science Team Meeting, Maryland, USA. on 2025-03-03
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| Conf. Talk FAIRness of solar physics and space weather datasets through international collaboration
/ Delouille, Veronique ; Verstringe, Freek ; et al
Talk presented at ESWW, Coimbra, Portugal on 2024-11-05
| Science Article (Ref.) Validation of EUHFORIA cone and spheromak coronal mass ejection models
/ Rodriguez, L ; Shukhobodskaia, D ; Niemela, A ; Maharana, A ; et al
published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 689, pp. 16 (2024)
| Science Article (Ref.) Calibrating the WSA Model in EUHFORIA Based on Parker Solar Probe Observations
/ Samara, E ; Arge, C. N ; Pinto, R. F ; Magdalenić, J ; et al
published in The Astrophysical Journal, 971 issue 1, pp. 17 (2024)
| Science Article (Ref.) Corrigendum to "Implementation and validation of the FRi3D flux rope model in EUHFORIA" [Adv. Space Res. 70(6) (2022) 1641–1662]
/ Maharana, Anwesha ; Isavnin, Alexey ; Scolini, Camilla ; Wijsen, Nicolas ; et al
published in Advances in Space Research, 73 issue 12, pp. 6310-6310 (2024)
| Science Article The PLATO Mission
/ Rauer, Heike ; Aerts, Conny ; Cabrera, Juan ; Deleuil, Magali ; et al
published in eprint arXiv:2406.05447 (2024)
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| Science Article (Ref.) A transfer learning method to generate synthetic synoptic magnetograms
/ Li, X. ; Senthamizh Pavai, V. ; Shukhobodskaia, D. ; Butala, M. D. ; et al
published in Space Weather, 22 issue 1, pp. e2023SW003499 (2024)
| Science Article (Ref.) On the Mesoscale Structure of Coronal Mass Ejections at Mercury's Orbit: BepiColombo and Parker Solar Probe Observations
/ Palmerio, Erika ; Carcaboso, Fernando ; Khoo, Leng Ying ; Salman, Tarik M. ; et al
published in ApJ (2024)
| Conf. Talk Statistical study of prominence eruptions in the wide field of view of Solar Orbiter/EUI/FSI
/ Talpeanu, Dana-Camelia ; Rodriguez, Luciano ; et al
Talk presented at IAU Symposium 388: Solar and Stellar Coronal Mass Ejections, Krakow, Poland on 2024-05-07
| Conf. Poster Statistical study of prominence eruptions in the wide field of view of Solar Orbiter/EUI/FSI
/ Talpeanu, Dana-Camelia ; D'Huys, Elke ; et al
Poster presented at Joint Solar Orbiter, Parker Solar Probe, and DKIST Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, USA on 2024-04-11