| Science Article (Ref.) Integration of microseism, wavemeter buoy, HF radar and hindcast data to analyze the Mediterranean cyclone Helios
/ Borzì, A.M. ; Minio, V. ; De Plaen, R. ; Lecocq, T. ; et al
published in Ocean Science, 20, pp. 1-20 (2024)
| Conf. Talk Microseism and Medicane Apollo: a new approach to investigate the Mediterranean extreme weather events
/ Borzì, A.M. ; Minio, V. ; et al
Talk presented at EGU Vienna on 2023-04-10
| Science Article (Ref.) Monitoring extreme meteo-marine events in the Mediterranean area using the microseism (Medicane Apollo case study)
/ Borzì, A.M. ; Minio, V. ; Cannavò, F. ; Cavallaro, A. ; et al
published in Scientific Reports, 12 issue 21363 (2022)