Space Pole Publications Server 6 records found  Search took 0.04 seconds. 
Joint Europa Mission (JEM). A multiscale, multi-platform mission to characterize Europa’s habitability and search for extant life / Blanc, M. ; Prieto-Ballesteros, O. ; André, N ; Gómez-Elvira, J ; et al
published in White paper submitted to ESA’s Voyage 2050 call (2019) [SCART-2020-0121]
Conf. Talk 
Following the evolution of coronal mass ejections across the heliosphere / Palmerio, E. ; Witasse, O. ; et al
Talk presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, US on 2019-12-12 [CTALK-2020-0085]
Science Article (Ref.) 
The Castalia mission to Main Belt Comet 133P/Elst-Pizarro. / Snodgrass, C. ; Jones, G.H. ; Boehnhardt, H. ; Gibbings, A. ; et al
published in Adv. Space Res., 62 issue 8, pp. 1947-1976 (2018) 10.1016/j.asr.2017.09.011 [SCART-2019-0149]
Files: PDF;
Conf. Poster 
Evolution of a coronal mass ejection from the Sun to Saturn / Palmerio, E. ; Kilpua, E. ; et al
Poster presented at AGU fall meeting, Washington, USA on 2018-12-10 [POSTER-2019-0060]
Conf. Poster 
Evolution of a coronal mass ejection from the Sun to Saturn / Palmerio, E. ; Kilpua, E. ; et al
Poster presented at 2018 SDO Science Workshop on 2018-10-29 [POSTER-2019-0059]
Conf. Poster 
Magnetic structure and propagation of a solar flux rope from the Sun to Saturn / Palmerio, E. ; Kilpua, E. ; et al
Poster presented at European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018 on 2018-04-09 [POSTER-2018-0053]

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