| Science Article (Ref.) A transfer learning method to generate synthetic synoptic magnetograms
/ Li, X. ; Senthamizh Pavai, V. ; Shukhobodskaia, D. ; Butala, M. D. ; et al
published in Space Weather, 22 issue 1, pp. e2023SW003499 (2024)
| Conf. Poster Complex interactions of the shock wave and ambient coronal structure
/ Deshpande, Ketaki ; Valentino, Angelos ; et al
Poster presented at European Solar Physics Division Meeting (ESPDM) 2024, Turin, Italy on 2024-09-11
Files: Ketaki_ESPM_2024 - PDF; Ketaki_ESPM2024_abstract - PDF; |
| Conf. Talk Validating Coronal Plasma Density Estimates from EUHFORIA using Parker Solar Probe and Radio Observations
/ Deshpande, Ketaki ; Magdalenic, Jasmina ; et al
Talk presented at Triennial Earth-Sun Summit 2024, Dallas, Texas on 2024-04-12
| Science Article (Ref.) Fine structures of a solar type III radio bursts observed with LOFAR
/ Dabrowski, B. ; Wolowska, A. ; Vocks, C. ; Magdalenić, Jasmina ; et al
published in Acta Geophysica, pp. 1-7 (2024)
| Science Article (Ref.) Polarization properties of the decameter spikes.
/ Shevchuk, M. ; Melnik, V. ; Brazhenko, A. ; Dorovskyy, V. ; et al
published in Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 11, pp. 1396326 (2024)
| Science Article (Ref.) Modelling non-radially propagating coronal mass ejections and forecasting the time of their arrival at Earth
/ Valentino, A. ; Magdalenic, Jasmina
published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 690 issue A137 (2024)
| Science Article (Ref.) Observation of solar radio burst events from Mars orbit with the Shallow Radar instrument.
/ Gerekos, C. ; Steinbrügge, G. ; Jebaraj, I. C. ; Casillas, A. ; et al
published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 683, pp. A56 (2024)
| Dataset SAFIRE light curve
/ Marqué, Christophe ; Martinez Picar, Antonio ; et al
| Dataset SPADE spectra
/ Marqué, Christophe ; Martinez Picar, Antonio ; et al
| Dataset HSRS light curves
/ Marqué, Christophe ; Martinez Picar, Antonio ; et al