| Conf. Poster The prospects of pulsating stars studies with the International Liquid Mirror Telescope
/ De Cat, Peter ; De Becker, Michaël ; et al
Poster presented at 3rd BINA Workshop "Scientific Potential of Indo-Belgian Co-operation", Bhimtal, India on 2023-03-22
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| Science Article (Ref.) The prospects of pulsating stars studies with the International Liquid Mirror Telescope
/ De Cat, Peter ; De Becker, Michaël ; Kumar, Brajesh
published in Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, 93 issue 2, pp. 855-862 (2024)
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| Conf. Talk (Inv.) The prospects of pulsating stars studies with ILMT
/ De Cat, P. ; Kumar, B. ; et al
Invited talk presented at 1st International Liquid Mirror Telescope Workshop, online (Nainithal, India) on 2020-06-29
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| Science Article (Ref.) The 4-m International Liquid Mirror Telescope
/ Surdej, J. ; Hickson, P. ; Borra, H. ; Swings, J.-P. ; et al
published in Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, 87, pp. 68-79 (2018)