| Science Article (Ref.) Improved Multi-GNSS PPP Software for Upgrading the DEMETRA Project Time Monitoring Service
/ Huang, Wei ; Defraigne, Pascale ; Signorile, Giovanna ; Sesia, Ilaria
published in Sensors, 19 issue 20, pp. 4389-4410 (2019)
| Conf. Poster Real-time detection of frequency time detection of frequency time detection of frequency jumps in GNSS satellite clocks jumps in GNSS satellite clocks using stand -alone receiver alone receiver
/ Huang, Wei ; Tavella, Patrizia ; et al
Poster presented at 32nd European Frequency and Time Forum on 2018-04-11
| Science Article (Ref.) Validation of the inter-frequency calibration of timing GNSS receivers
/ Defraigne, Pascale ; Bertrand, Bruno ; Huang, Wei ; Rovera, Daniele G.
published in 2017 Joint Conference of the European Frequency and Time Forum and IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (EFTF/IFCS), pp. 821-825 (2017)
| Science Article (Ref.) Study of the GPS inter-frequency calibration of timing receivers
/ Defraigne, Pascale ; Huang, Wei ; Bertrand, Bruno ; Rovera, Daniele G.
published in Metrologia, 55 issue 1, pp. 11-19 (2017)