Space Pole Publications Server 9 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Conf. Poster 
Magnetosheath turbulence and intermittency at Venus, Earth and Mars observed during space weather events / Echim, M. ; Rodriguez, L. ; et al
Poster presented at EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria on 2024-04-17 [POSTER-2025-0017]
Conf. Talk 
ICME impact on plasma turbulence and complexity at Venus, Earth and Mars / Echim, M. ; Shukhobodskaia, D. ; et al
Talk presented at European Space Weather Week 2024, Coimbra, Portugal on 2024-11-07 [CTALK-2024-0178]
Conf. Poster 
PLAnetary plasma Turbulence and Intermittency coupling with interplanetary transients from data analysis and NUmerical Modelling (PLATINUM) - a new BRAIN-BE collaborative project / Echim, M. ; Many, Coauthors ; et al
Poster presented at European Space Weather Week 2023, Toulouse, France on 2023-11-20 [POSTER-2024-0022]
CMEs and CIRs observed at the Earth, Venus and Mars for the PLATINUM project / Shukhobodskaia, D. ; Rodriguez, L. ; et al
Poster presented at European Space Weather Week 2023, Toulouse, France on 2023-11-20 [POSTER-2023-0054]
PLATINUM (PLAnetary plasma Turbulence and Intermittency): data selection / Shukhobodskaia, D. ; Rodriguez, L. ; et al
Seminar presented at ROB on 2022-04-28 [SEMIN-2023-0018]
Science Article (Ref.) 
The Virtual Space Weather Modelling Centre / Poedts, S. ; Kochanov, A. ; Lani, A. ; Scolini, C. ; et al
published in J. of Space Weather and Space Climate, 10, pp. 14 (2020) 10.1051/swsc/2020012 [SCART-2020-0108]
Conf. Poster 
The ESA Virtual Space Weather Modelling Centre – Part 2 / Poedts, S. ; Kochanov, A. ; et al
Poster presented at 15th European Space Weather Week on 2018-11-05 [POSTER-2019-0064]
Conf. Poster 
Virtual Space Weather Modelling Centre / Poedts, S. ; Lani, A. ; et al
Poster presented at 13th European Space Weather Week, Ostende, Belgium on 2016-11-14 [POSTER-2017-0022]
Conf. Poster 
The ESA Virtual Space Weather Modelling Centre – Part 2 / Poedts, S. ; Lani, A. ; et al
Poster presented at COSPAR Scientific Assembly 2016, Istanbul, Turkey (CANCELLED) on 2016-07-30 [POSTER-2017-0021]

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