| Science Article (Ref.) Solar flares in the Solar Orbiter era: Short-exposure EUI/FSI observations of STIX flares
/ Collier, Hannah ; Hayes, Laura A. ; Purkhart, Stefan ; Krucker, Säm ; et al
published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 692 issue id.A176 (2024)
| Seminar STCE instruments insights: Unveiling the source of the May 2024 severe geomagnetic storms
/ Bechet, Sabrina ; Berghmans, David ; et al
Seminar presented at Royal Observatory of Belgium on 2024-06-27
| Conf. Poster EUI onboard Solar Orbiter: unique data for high resolution, far corona and connection science
/ Verbeeck, Cis ; Zhukov, Andrei ; et al
Poster presented at 17th European Solar Physics Meeting, Turin on 2024-09-09
| Conf. Talk High-Resolution Observations from the Solar Orbiter Major Flare SOOP Campaign: Insights from X-ray and Fast Cadence EUV Observations of Solar Flares
/ Hayes, Laura ; Verbeeck, Cis ; et al
Talk presented at 17th European Solar Physics Meeting, Turin on 2024-09-12
| Conf. Talk The May 2024 flare sequence: a rich opportunity for QPP analysis
/ Dominique, Marie ; Christophe Marqué, Christophe ; et al
Talk presented at 17th European Solar Physics Conference, Turin on 2024-09-12
| Outreach RadioTV Interview concernant la nuit des Perseides
/ Bechet, Sabrina ; Dominique, Marie
Program broadcasted on La Une (TV), Journal Télévisé, 13h and 19h30 on 2024-08-09
| Outreach RadioTV Hors Cadre – Experts du Soleil : la tête dans les étoiles
/ Clette, Frédéric ; Bechet, Sabrina ; et al
Program broadcasted on BX1 on 2023-11-24
| Science Article Firefly: the science case for a full view of the solar sphere
/ Harra, Louise ; Fletcher, Lyndsay ; Gizon, Laurent ; Solanki, Sami ; et al
published in Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Decadal Survey for Solar and Space Physics (Heliophysics) 2024-2033, white paper, 55 issue 3 (2023)
| Science Article Firefly: The Case for a Holistic Understanding of the Global Structure and Dynamics of the Sun and the Heliosphere
/ Raouafi, Nour E. ; Hoeksema, J. Todd ; Newmark, Jeffrey S. ; Gibson, Sarah ; et al
published in Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Decadal Survey for Solar and Space Physics (Heliophysics) 2024-2033, white paper, 55 issue 3 (2023)
| Science Article Ultraviolet Occultations: An Essential Technique for Bridging the Thermospheric Gap
/ Thiemann, Edward ; Berger, Thomas ; Bhattacharya, Dolon ; Dominique, Marie ; et al
published in Bulletin of the AAS, Whitepaper in the Decadal Survey for Solar and Space Physics (Heliophysics) 2024-2033, 55 issue 3 (2023)