| Science Article (Ref.) Noise-based ballistic wave passive seismic monitoring. Part 1: body waves
/ Brenguier, F. ; Courbis, R. ; Mordret, A. ; Campman, X. ; et al
published in Geophysical Journal International, pp. 683–691 (2020)
| Science Article (Ref.) Noise-based ballistic wave passive seismic monitoring – Part 2: surface waves
/ Mordret, A. ; Courbis, R. ; Brenguier, F. ; Chmiel, M. ; et al
published in Geophysical Journal International, 221, pp. 692–705 (2020)
| Science Article (Ref.) Ambient noise multimode Rayleigh and Love wave tomography to determine the shear velocity structure above the Groningen gas field
/ Chmiel, M. ; Mordret, A. ; Boué, A. ; Boué, P. ; et al
published in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, pp. 3031-3035 (2019)
| Science Article (Ref.) Monitoring of fields using body and surface waves reconstructed from passive seismic ambient noise
/ Brenguier, F. ; Mordret, A. ; Lynch, R. ; Courbis, R. ; et al
published in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, pp. 3036-3040 (2019)
| Science Article (Ref.) Ambient noise multimode Rayleigh and Love wave tomography to determine the shear velocity structure above the Groningen gas field
/ Chmiel, M. ; Mordret, A. ; Boué, P. ; Brenguier, F. ; et al
accepted to be published in Geophysical Journal International (2019)
| Conf. Talk Noise-based Ballistic Body-wave Passive Seismic Monitoring
/ Brenguier, F. ; Courbis, R. ; et al
Talk presented at European General Assembly (EGU), Vienna, Austria on 2019-04-12