Space Pole Publications Server 3 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Multidisciplinary approach to assess the Cambrian geothermal potential in Brussels region with a focus on public buildings (GeoCamb project) / Baudinet, Camille ; Van Noten, Koen ; et al
Talk presented at European Geothermal Congress 2022 Berlin, Germany on 2022-10-19 [CTALK-2022-0086]
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Outreach RadioTV 
Puiser la chaleur de la terre pour chauffer et refroidir les bâtiments: la géothermie, une solution verte et économique ? / Van Noten, Koen ; Baudinet, Camille ; et al
Program broadcasted on RTBF Journal 19h30 on 2022-10-19 [RADIOTV-2022-0011]
Outreach Article 
Gezocht: aardwarmte in de diepe ondergrond van Brussel / Van Noten, Koen ; Baudinet, Camille
published in De Standaard (Pascal Sertyn), 19/10/2022 (2022) [OUTRART-2022-0021]
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