Space Pole Publications Server 31 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.04 seconds. 
Science Article 
The P32Tools model applied to "starting" observations / Blomme, R. ; Runacres, M. C.
published in Photometric Mapping with ISOPHOT using the "P32" Astronomical Observation Template, 482, pp. 37 (2002) [ASTROimport-642]
Science Article 
Stellar Winds of Early-Type Stars / Blomme, R. ; Runacres, M. C.
published in Photometric Mapping with ISOPHOT using the "P32" Astronomical Observation Template, 482, pp. 67 (2002) [ASTROimport-641]
Science Article 
The memory effect of the ISOPHOT-C100 detector / Blomme, R. ; Runacres, M. C.
published in Exploiting the ISO Data Archive. Infrared Astronomy in the Internet Age, 511, pp. 331 (2003) [ASTROimport-628]
Science Article 
An XMM-Newton Study of 9SGR and the Lagoon Nebula / Rauw, G. ; Blomme, R. ; Waldron, W. L. ; Naze, Y. ; et al
published in NASA STI/Recon Technical Report N, 2 (2001) [ASTROimport-614]
Science Article 
Comoving Frame Calculations for A-Cephei (Contributed Poster) / Rons, N. ; Runacres, M. ; Blomme, R.
published in Nonisotropic and Variable Outflows from Stars, 22, pp. 199 (1992) [ASTROimport-595]
Science Article 
The infrared excess of early-type stars: using core-halo models for the IRAS observations / Blomme, R. ; Runacres, M.
published in The Feedback of Chemical Evolution on the Stellar Content of Galaxies, pp. 10 (1993) [ASTROimport-568]
Science Article 
The infrared excess of early-type stars: modelling the IRAS observations / Runacres, M. ; Blomme, R.
published in IAU Colloq. 137: Inside the Stars, 40, pp. 159 (1993) [ASTROimport-564]
Science Article 
Smooth winds and clumped winds for early-type stars / Blomme, R. ; Runacres, M.
published in Pulsation; Rotation; and Mass Loss in Early-Type Stars, 162, pp. 494 (1994) [ASTROimport-557]
Science Article 
Evidence for clumping from the infrared and radio continuum of hot stars / Runacres, M. C. ; Blomme, R.
published in Liege International Astrophysical Colloquia, 33, pp. 317 (1996) [ASTROimport-546]
Science Article 
Far Infrared ISO Observations of RD 160529 / Blomme, R. ; Runacres, M. C. ; Vyverman, K. ; Cohen, M. ; et al
published in Luminous Blue Variables: Massive Stars in Transition, 120, pp. 41 (1997) [ASTROimport-541]

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4 Runacres, M. C.
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