| Conf. Talk Influence of the upper atmosphere of the Earth on solar EUV observations from LEO satellites
/ Slemzin, V.A. ; Ulyanov, A. ; et al
Talk presented at ESWW10, Antwerp (Belgium) on 2013-11-xx
| Science Article (Ref.) Validation of the Earth atmosphere models using the solar EUV solar occultation data from the CORONAS and PROBA 2 instruments
/ Slemzin, V.A. ; Ulyanov, A. ; Gaikovich, K. ; Kuzin, S.V. ; et al
published in Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, Volume 6, id.A7, 6 issue 27 (2016)
| Conf. Talk Validation of the Earth atmosphere models using the EUV solar occultation data from the CORONAS and PROBA2 instruments
/ Slemzin, V.A. ; Ulyanov, A. ; et al
Talk presented at COSPAR, Moscou (Russia) on 2014-08-xx