| Conf. Poster Space weather monitor at the L5 point: a case study of a CME observed with STEREO B
/ Rodriguez, L. ; Scolini, C. ; et al
Poster presented at European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria on 2018-04-09
| Conf. Poster Validation of the background solar wind modeled by EUHFORIA
/ Hinterreiter, J. ; Temmer, M. ; et al
Poster presented at European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria on 2018-04-09
| Conf. Talk Sun-to-Earth simulations of geoeffective CMEs, EUHFORIA: A heliospheric-magnetospheric model chain approach
/ Scolini, C. ; Verbeke, C. ; et al
Talk presented at 15th International Solar Wind Conference, Brussels, Belgium on 2018-06-21
| Conf. Poster Constraining CMEs and shocks by observations and modeling throughout the inner heliosphere - CCSOM
/ Magdalenic, J. ; Poedts, S. ; et al
Poster presented at 15th International Solar Wind Conference, Brussels, Belgium on 2018-06-19
| Conf. Poster CME and associated shock wave observed on September 27, 2012
/ Jebaraj, I. C. ; Magdalenic, J. ; et al
Poster presented at 15th International Solar Wind Conference, Brussels, Belgium on 2018-06-19
| Conf. Talk Modeling Coronal Mass Ejections with EUHFORIA: a Parameter Study of a Flux Rope Model
/ Verbeke, C. ; Scolini, C. ; et al
Talk presented at 14th European Space Weather week, Ostende, Belgium on 2017-12-01
| Conf. Talk EUHFORIA: a solar wind & CME evolution model
/ Poedts, S. ; Pomoell, J. ; et al
Talk presented at 14th European Space Weather week, Ostende, Belgium on 2017-11-27
| Conf. Talk Modeling Coronal Mass Ejections with EUHFORIA: a Parameter Study of a Flux Rope Model
/ Verbeke, C. ; Scolini, C. ; et al
Talk presented at American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, USA on 2017-12-15
| Conf. Poster Modelling Coronal Mass Ejections with EUHFORIA: Testing the Effect of Different Shapes on Predictions at 1 AU
/ Scolini, C. ; Verbeke, C. ; et al
Poster presented at 14th European Space Weather week, Ostende, Belgium on 2017-11-27
| Conf. Poster Study of the July 12, 2012 CME and its impact at Earth with EUHFORIA: a heliospheric-magnetospheric model chain approach
/ Scolini, C. ; Poedts, S. ; et al
Poster presented at 13th International Conference on Substorms, Portsmouth, NH, USA on 2017-09-25