Space Pole Publications Server 309 records found  beginprevious274 - 283nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Conf. Talk 
The Royal Observatory of Belgium / SIDC / Dominique, M.
Talk presented at CHARM meeting on 2014-01-xx [SIDCimport-661]
Prediction of solar flares on the basis of correlation with long-term irradiane and sunspot levels / Dammasch, I.E. ; Dominique, M.
Seminar presented at ROB/SIDC on 2014-03-xx [SIDCimport-660]
Conf. Poster 
New flare detection algorithm and flare list for PROBA2/LYRA / Ryan, D. F. ; Dominique, M. ; et al
Poster presented at ESWW11 on 2014-11-xx [SIDCimport-659]
Conf. Poster 
LYRAFF: LYRA Flare Finder / Ryan, D. F. ; Dominique, M. ; et al
Poster presented at ESPM14 on 2014-09-xx [SIDCimport-656]
Conf. Talk 
Space climate and space weather observations with PROBA2/LYRA / Dammasch, I.E. ; Dominique, M. ; et al
Talk presented at 13th Hvar Astrophysica Colloquium on 2014-09-xx [SIDCimport-654]
Conf. Poster 
LYRAFF: LYRA Flare Finder / Ryan, D. F. ; Dominique, M. ; et al
Poster presented at SIP workshop on 2014-08-xx [SIDCimport-653]
Conf. Poster 
Solar EUV Modeling Efforts within the FP7 SOLID project / Haberreiter, M. ; Delouille, V. ; et al
Poster presented at ESWW11 on 2014-11-xx [SIDCimport-652]
Conf. Talk 
Reconstruction of the solar EUV irradiance as observed with PROBA2/LYRA / Haberreiter, M. ; Delouille, V. ; et al
Talk presented at EGU on 2014-xx-xx [SIDCimport-650]
Mid-term Periodicities of the LYRA data spectrum versus solar indices / Wauters, L. ; Dominique, M.
Seminar presented at ROB seminar on 2014-11-xx [SIDCimport-647]
Conf. Poster 
Mid-term Periodicities of the LYRA data spectrum versus solar indices / Wauters, L. ; Dominique, M.
Poster presented at LWS/Hinode/IRIS Workshop on 2014-11-xx [SIDCimport-646]

Space Pole Publications Server : 309 records found   beginprevious274 - 283nextend  jump to record:
See also: similar author names
1 Dominique, M
195 Dominique, M.
195 Dominique, M.
113 Dominique, Marie
113 Dominique, Marie
113 Dominique, Marie
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