| Science Article (Ref.) The Projects for Onboard Autonomy (PROBA2) Science Centre: Sun Watcher Using APS Detectors and Image Processing (SWAP) and Large-Yield Radiometer (LYRA) Science Operations and Data Products
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| Science Article (Ref.) The SWAP EUV Imaging Telescope. Part II: In-flight Performance and Calibration
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| Science Article (Ref.) The SWAP EUV Imaging Telescope Part I: Instrument Overview and Pre-Flight Testing
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| Science Article (Ref.) Time delays in quasi-periodic pulsations observed during the X2.2 solar flare on 2011 February 15
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| Science Article (Ref.) Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection in Solar Flare and Coronal Mass Ejection Current Sheets
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| Outreach Article The STEREO Mission
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| Science Article (Ref.) Structure and Dynamics of the 2010 July 11 Eclipse White-light Corona
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| Science Article (Ref.) Low-Altitude Reconnection Inflow-Outflow Observations during a 2010 November 3 Eruption
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| Science Article (Ref.) Hierarchical approach to forecasting recurrent solar wind streams
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| Science Article (Ref.) Study of a Prominence Eruption using SWAP/PROBA2 and EUVI/STEREO Data
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