Space Pole Publications Server 71 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.03 seconds. 
Science Article 
Detection of the 69 µm Band of Crystalline Forsterite in the Herschel MESS program / de Vries, B. L. ; Klotz, D. ; Lombaert, R. ; Baier, A. ; et al
published in Why Galaxies Care about AGB Stars II: Shining Examples and Common Inhabitants, 445, pp. 621 (2011) [ASTROimport-962]
Science Article 
Fishing for Photons: Data Reduction of MESSy PACS Images / Ottensamer, R. ; Luntzer, A. ; Mecina, M. ; Kerschbaum, F. ; et al
published in Why Galaxies Care about AGB Stars II: Shining Examples and Common Inhabitants, 445, pp. 625 (2011) [ASTROimport-961]
Science Article 
The Herschel view of nebulae around evolved massive stars / Vamvatira-Nakou, C. ; Royer, P. ; Hutsemekers, D. ; Naze, Y. ; et al
published in 10th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, pp. 24-24 (2012) [ASTROimport-950]
Science Article 
Herschel observations of planetary nebulae in the MESS key program / van Hoof, P. A. M. ; Barlow, M. J. ; Van de Steene, G. C. ; Exter, K. M. ; et al
published in IAU Symposium, 283, pp. 41-44 (2012) 10.1017/S1743921312010666 [ASTROimport-936]
Science Article 
Modeling the Asymmetric Wind of Massive LBV Binary MWC 314 / Lobel, A. ; Groh, J. ; Torres Dozinel, K. ; Gorlova, N. ; et al
published in Proceedings of a Scientific Meeting in Honor of Anthony F. J. Moffat, 465, pp. 358 (2012) [ASTROimport-924]
Science Article 
The triple B-star system DV Cam / Hensberge, H. ; Bakis, V. ; De Cat, P. ; Bloemen, S. ; et al
published in EAS Publications Series, 64, pp. 397-398 (2013) 10.1051/eas/1364063 [ASTROimport-911]
Science Article 
The Nebula around the Luminous Blue Variable WRAY 15-751 as seen by Herschel / Vamvatira-Nakou, C. ; Hutsemekers, D. ; Royer, P. ; Naze, Y. ; et al
published in Massive Stars: From alpha to Omega, pp. 188 (2013) [ASTROimport-906]
Science Article 
H2O Formation in C-rich AGB Winds / Lombaert, R. ; Decin, L. ; Royer, P. ; de Koter, A. ; et al
published in Why Galaxies Care about AGB Stars III: A Closer Look in Space and Time, 497, pp. 79 (2015) [ASTROimport-870]
Science Article 
First results of Mercator observations of variable B stars / De Cat, P. ; De Ridder, J. ; Uytterhoeven, K. ; Davignon, G. ; et al
published in IAU Colloq. 193: Variable Stars in the Local Group, 310, pp. 238 (2004) [ASTROimport-702]
Science Article 
First results of Mercator observations of variable A and F stars / De Ridder, J. ; Cuypers, J. ; De Cat, P. ; Uytterhoeven, K. ; et al
published in IAU Colloq. 193: Variable Stars in the Local Group, 310, pp. 263 (2004) [ASTROimport-700]

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1 WAELKENS, Christoffel
33 Waelkens, C.
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