| Science Article SeismoStorm Final Report
/ Lecocq, T. ; Debeir, O. ; De Plaen, R. ; Lemenkova, P.
published in BELSPO (2024)
| Outreach Article « Un bourdonnement continu » : le mystère d’un tremblement de terre qui a duré neuf jours enfin résolu
/ Gaudé, T. ; Lecocq, T.
published in Le Soir, 13/09/2024 (2024)
| Dataset Seismic velocity variation at Mt. Etna calculated by seismic ambient noise interferometry (EtnadVv)
/ Büyükakpınar, P. ; Cannata, A. ; et al
| Press Rel. Belgian researchers witness spectacular climate-driven landslide and tsunami that shakes earth for nine days
/ Lecocq, T. ; Boone, W.
| Outreach Article Mapaway festival inspired by Einstein Telescope
/ de Vries, F. ; Lecocq, T. ; Kroese, R.
published in Einstein Telescope News, 30/08/2024 (2024)
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| Outreach Article Czy Belgia jest zagrożona tsunami? Minimalne ryzyko, ale monitoring działa
/ Naczelny, R. ; Lecocq, T.
published in Aktualnisci.be Prosto z Belgii, 26/09/2024 (2024)
| Outreach RadioTV Pukkelpop Live: Aardbeving!: Magnitude 2.4 tijdens Fred Again..
/ Lecocq, T.
Program broadcasted on Studio Brussel on 2024-08-17
| Outreach RadioTV Pukkelpop Live: Aardbeving!: Magnitude 2.4 tijdens Fred Again..
/ Lecocq, T.
Program broadcasted on Studio Brussel on 2024-08-16
| Outreach RadioTV Pukkelpop Live: Aardbeving? tijdens Fred Again.. Before...
/ Lecocq, T.
Program broadcasted on Studio Brussel on 2024-09-16
| Outreach RadioTV Publiek veroorzaakt lichte aardbeving tijdens show van Fred again..
/ Lecocq, T.
Program broadcasted on VRT News on 2024-08-17
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