Space Pole Publications Server 12 records found  previous11 - 12  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Science Article (Ref.) 
A Hare and Hound in a BAG: Asteroseismology of Beta Cephei stars / Thoul, A. ; Ausseloos, M. ; Barban, C. ; Briquet, M. ; et al
published in Communications in Asteroseismology, 143, pp. 25-28 (2003) [ASTROimport-88]
Science Article (Ref.) 
A revision of the solar abundance of dysprosium / Grevesse, N. ; Noels, A. ; Sauval, A. J.
published in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 271, pp. 587 (1993) [ASTROimport-50]

Space Pole Publications Server : 12 records found   previous11 - 12  jump to record:
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