| Seminar Radio Science Experiment on Uranus Orbiter and Probe: the ROB contribution
/ Filice, V. ; Le Maistre, S. ; et al
Seminar presented at Royal observatory of Belgium on 2023-11-14
| Seminar OD Seismology & Gravimetry of the Royal Observatory of Belgium
/ Vanneste, Kris
Seminar presented at FWO Workshop Geologie & Ondergrond Einstein Telescope on 2023-12-12
| Seminar Source parameters, geology and impact of the 1983 Liège earthquake
/ Vanneste, Kris ; Van Noten, Koen
Seminar presented at 40th Commemoration of the 1983 Liège earthquake, Uccle on 2023-11-08
| Seminar Seismology.be NCCN procedure
/ Lecocq, Thomas ; Vanneste, Kris ; et al
Seminar presented at Training day National Emergency Planning and Crisis Management, Uccle on 2023-04-28
| Seminar Magnitude reassessment for digital records of the Belgian seismic network since 1985
/ Vanneste, Kris ; Onvani, Mahsa ; et al
Seminar presented at Rhine-Meuse Seismologists (RMS) Meeting, Uccle on 2023-03-28
| Seminar Current status of the BELSHAKE Project
/ Vanneste, Kris ; Onvani, Mahsa
Seminar presented at Belgian Eurocode 8 Mirror Committee meeting, Brussels on 2023-11-22
| Progress made in the BELSHAKE Project
/ Vanneste, Kris ; Onvani, Mahsa
Seminar presented at hine-Meuse Seismologists (RMS) Meeting, Bensberg (Germany) on 2023-10-24
| Outline for LRG fault displacement database
/ Vanneste, Kris ; Lefevre, Marthe
Seminar presented at VITO, Berchem on 2023-04-17
| Seminar Shakemaps @ ROB
/ Vanneste, Kris
Seminar presented at Section meeting OD Seismology & Gravimetry, ROB on 2023-06-26
| Seminar TCS GNSS Data and Products
/ Bruyninx, C.
Seminar presented at ROB on 2023-11-24