Reference Systems & Planetology

Reference Systems & Planetology 1,219 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Science Article 
Positive Weathering Feedback Compensates Carbonates at Shallow Ocean Depths / Hakim, Kaustubh
published in Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 382 issue Complex Planetary Systems II: Latest Methods for an Interdisciplinary Approach, pp. 123-125 (2024) 10.1017/S1743921323004957 [SCART-2025-0119]
Files: PDF;
Conf. Poster 
MARVEL - an array of four telescopes feeding a stabilised spectrograph for high-precision radial velocities of stars / Tkachenko, Andrew ; Vandenbussche, Bart ; et al
Poster presented at EAS2024/, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting, Padova, Italy on 2024-07-01 [POSTER-2025-0039]
Conf. Poster 
Diversity of rocky planet atmospheres in the H-C-O-N-S-Cl system with interior dissolution / Sossi, Paolo ; Thompson, Maggie ; et al
Poster presented at European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2024 (EGU24), Vienna, Austria on 2024-04-14 [POSTER-2025-0038]
Science Article (Ref.) 
The effect of a biosphere on the habitable timespan of stagnant-lid planets and implications for the atmospheric spectrum / Höning, Dennis ; Carone, Ludmila ; Baumeister, Philipp ; Chubb, Kathy L. ; et al
published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 693 issue jan, pp. A205 (2025) 10.1051/0004-6361/202451940 [SCART-2025-0118]
Files: PDF;
Outreach Talk 
De ESA JUICE-missie naar de ijsmanen van Jupiter / Van Hoolst, Tim
Talk presented at KWB Herent on 2024-02-02 [OUTRTLK-2025-0021]
Outreach Talk 
De Galileïsche manen van Jupiter / Van Hoolst, Tim
Talk presented at wetenschapscafé Antwerpen on 2024-12-18 [OUTRTLK-2025-0020]
Outreach Talk 
The JUICE mission and the icy moons of Jupiter / Van Hoolst, Tim
Talk presented at Lunch@ROB on 2024-04-22 [OUTRTLK-2025-0019]
Outreach Talk 
Verkenning van oceanen in Jupiters ijsmanen met de JUICE-sonde / Van Hoolst, Tim
Talk presented at Lessen voor de XXIe eeuw: Wetenschap voor een nieuwe wereld on 2024-03-11 [OUTRTLK-2025-0018]
Book Section 
Verkenning van oceanen in Jupiters ijsmanen met de JUICE-sonde / Van Hoolst, Tim [BKSECT-2025-0004]
Science Article (Ref.) 
Geophysical characterization of the interiors of Ganymede, Callisto and Europa by ESA’s JUpiter ICy moons Explore / Van Hoolst, Tim ; et, al
published in Space Science Reviews, 220 issue 53, pp. 1-73 (2024) 10.1007/s11214-024-01085-y [SCART-2025-0117]

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