| Conf. Talk Practical Traceability to UTC(k) from a GNSS Timing Receiver
/ Piriz, Ricardo ; Roldan, Pedro ; et al
Talk presented at International IEEE Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control, and Communication on 2018-10-04
| Seminar Time and GNSS
/ Defraigne, Pascale
Seminar presented at Tutorial of the EFTF on 2018-04-09
| Conf. Talk Results of DEMETRA Time Integrity service tested on Galileo
/ Signorile, Giovanna ; Sesia, Ilaria ; et al
Talk presented at European Navigation Conference on 2018-05-15
| Conf. Poster Real-time detection of frequency time detection of frequency time detection of frequency jumps in GNSS satellite clocks jumps in GNSS satellite clocks using stand -alone receiver alone receiver
/ Huang, Wei ; Tavella, Patrizia ; et al
Poster presented at 32nd European Frequency and Time Forum on 2018-04-11
| Conf. Poster Multi-GNSS Time Transfer with CGGTTS-V2E
/ Defraigne, Pascale ; Verhasselt, Katrijn
Poster presented at 32nd European Frequency and Time Forum on 2018-04-11
| Conf. Talk Galileo and GNSS Time Offsets
/ Signorile, Giovanna ; Sesia, Ilaria, ; et al
Talk presented at 32nd European Frequency and Time FOrum on 2018-04-11
| Conf. Talk Galileo Open Service Time performance
/ Kanj, Amale ; Delporte, Jerome ; et al
Talk presented at IEEE/ION Position Location and Navigation Symposium on 2018-04-24
| Science Article (Ref.) Practical Traceability to UTC(k) from a GNSS Timing Receiver
/ Píriz, Ricardo ; Roldán, Pedro ; Domingo, Francisco ; Garbin, Esteban ; et al
published in Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control, and Communication (ISPCS), pp. 1-6 (2018)
| Book Section GNSS Time and Frequency Transfer
/ Defraigne, Pascale
| Science Article Multi-GNSS Time Transfer with CGGTTS-V2E
/ Defraigne, Pascale ; Verhasselt, Katrijn
published in Proceedings of the 32nd European Frequency and Time Forum, pp. 270-275 (2018)