| Conf. Poster The LYRA radiometer onboard PROBA2 as a detector of solar flares
/ Dominique, M. ; Dammasch, I.E. ; et al
Poster presented at ESWW11, Fair session on 2014-11-xx
| Conf. Poster SunPy: New Scientific Analysis Capabilities for GOES Observations
/ Ryan, D. F. ; Mumford, S. ; et al
Poster presented at ESPM14 on 2014-09-xx
| Conf. Poster SunPy: New Scientific Analysis Capabilities for GOES Observations
/ Ryan, D. F. ; Mumford, S. ; et al
Poster presented at SIP workshop on 2014-08-xx
| Conf. Poster New flare detection algorithm and flare list for PROBA2/LYRA
/ Ryan, D. F. ; Dominique, M. ; et al
Poster presented at ESWW11 on 2014-11-xx
| Conf. Poster LYRAFF: LYRA Flare Finder
/ Ryan, D. F. ; Dominique, M. ; et al
Poster presented at ESPM14 on 2014-09-xx
| Conf. Poster Initiation Mechanisms for CMEs Without Distinct Coronal Signatures
/ D'Huys, E. ; Seaton, D.B. ; et al
Poster presented at Ninth European Space Weather Week, November 5-9, Brussels, Belgium on 2012-11-xx
| Conf. Poster LYRAFF: LYRA Flare Finder
/ Ryan, D. F. ; Dominique, M. ; et al
Poster presented at SIP workshop on 2014-08-xx
| Conf. Poster Solar EUV Modeling Efforts within the FP7 SOLID project
/ Haberreiter, M. ; Delouille, V. ; et al
Poster presented at ESWW11 on 2014-11-xx
| Conf. Poster Mid-term Periodicities of the LYRA data spectrum versus solar indices
/ Wauters, L. ; Dominique, M.
Poster presented at LWS/Hinode/IRIS Workshop on 2014-11-xx
| Conf. Poster Strong coronal deflection of a CME and its interplanetary evolution to Earth and Mars
/ Möstl, Christian ; Rollett, T. ; et al
Poster presented at EGU General Assembly on 2015-xx-xx