Outreach Talks

Outreach Talks 426 records found  beginprevious91 - 100nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Outreach Talk 
Alarm, een zonnestorm op komst! / D'Huys, Elke
Talk presented at Wetenschapsbattle, Gent on 2022-03-22 [OUTRTLK-2023-0011]
Outreach Talk 
Alarm, eenzonnestorm op komst! / D'Huys, Elke
Talk presented at Dag van de Wetenschap, Planetarium on 2022-11-27 [OUTRTLK-2023-0010]
Outreach Talk 
De koninklijke sterrenwacht op reis naar de zon / D'Huys, Elke ; Berghmans, David ; et al
Talk presented at Zonnekijkdag, Cosmodroom Genk on 2022-07-03 [OUTRTLK-2023-0009]
Outreach Talk 
Observations radioastronomiques - Station de Humain / Marqué, Christophe
Talk presented at IBPT visit at BISA on 2022-12-09 [OUTRTLK-2023-0008]
Outreach Talk 
Solar radio bursts impacts on aviation / Marqué, Christophe
Talk presented at SWIC on 2022-02-18 [OUTRTLK-2023-0007]
Outreach Talk 
De kunst van het zonnewaarnemen / Janssens, Jan
Talk presented at MIRA Public Observatory on 2022-09-07 [OUTRTLK-2023-0006]
Le Soleil et nous: Météo et climat spatial / Clette, Frédéric
Talk presented at Groupe d'Astronomie de Spa, Belgium on 2022-10-28 [OUTRTLK-2023-0005]
Le Soleil et nous: Météo et climat spatial. / Clette, Frédéric
Talk presented at Université de Mons, Belgique on 2022-09-28 [OUTRTLK-2023-0004]
Le cycle instable des taches solaires: Quels mécanismes et quels impacts sur Terre? / Clette, Frédéric
Talk presented at Space Pole Open doors, Uccle, Belgium on 2022-09-25 [OUTRTLK-2023-0003]
Le Soleil et nous: météo et climat spatial / Clette, Frédéric
Talk presented at Euro Space Center, Redu, Belgique on 2022-08-11 [OUTRTLK-2023-0002]

Outreach Talks : 426 records found   beginprevious91 - 100nextend  jump to record:
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