Non-refereed Articles

Non-refereed Articles 1,199 records found  beginprevious261 - 270nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Science Article 
Les séismes en Europe orientale au Moyen Age (suite): Les tremblements de terre du 5 juin 1443 et du 29 août 1471 - Les séismes en Prusse et en Dalmatie. / Alexandre, Pierre ; Alexandre, Dominique
published in Ciel et Terre, 134, pp. 2-20 (2018) [SCART-2018-0049]
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Science Article 
Research Activities in Astronomy and Astrophysics in Belgium / Fremat, Y ; Van Eck, S ; Aerts, C ; Baes, M ; et al
published in Belgian Physical Society Magazine, 1-2018, pp. 5-19 (2018) [SCART-2018-0047]
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Science Article 
EUV high resolution imager on-board solar orbiter: optical design and detector performances / Halain, J.P. ; Mazzoli, A. ; Rochus, P. ; Renotte, E. ; et al
published in Proceedings of the SPIE, 10564 issue id. 105643V 6 (2017) 10.1117/12.2309019 [SCART-2018-0041]
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The PICARD Payload Data Centre / Pradels, G. ; Guinle, T. ; Thuillier, G. ; Irbah, A. ; et al
published in ArXiv (2017) [SCART-2018-0035]
Science Article 
About DR UMa or the CRTS transient CSS110402:135906+554432 / Lampens, P ; Van Cauteren, P
published in The Astronomer's Telegram issue 10220 (2017) [SCART-2018-0032]
Science Article 
Electrical resistivity tomography data across the Hockai Fault Zone (Ardenne, Belgium) / Lecocq, T. ; Camelbeeck, T.
published in Data in Brief, 11, pp. 1-4 (2017) [SCART-2018-0024]
Science Article 
The evolved slowly pulsating B star 18 Peg. A testbed for upper main sequence stellar evolution / Irrgang, A. ; De Cat, P. ; Tkachenko, A.
published in EPJ Web of Conferences, 152 issue id. 05010, pp. 1-2 (2017) 10.1051/epjconf/201715205010 [SCART-2018-0019]
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Science Article 
The LAMOST spectroscopic survey of stars in the Kepler field of view: Activity indicators and stellar parameters / Molenda-Żakowicz, J. ; Frasca, A. ; De Cat, P. ; Catanzaro, G.
published in EPJ Web of Conferences, 152 issue id. 04002, pp. 1-5 (2017) 10.1051/epjconf/201715204002 [SCART-2018-0018]
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Science Article 
Pulsating variable stars and large spectroscopic surveys / De Cat, P.
published in EPJ Web of Conferences, 152 issue id. 04001, pp. 1-12 (2017) 10.1051/epjconf/201715204001 [SCART-2018-0017]
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Science Article 
The Radio Meteor Zoo: searching for meteors in BRAMS radio observations / Lamy, H. ; Calders, S. ; Tétard, C. ; Verbeeck, C. ; et al
submitted to Proceedings of the European Planetary Science Congress 2017, Riga, Latvia, September 17-22 (2018) [SCART-2018-0013]

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