Non-refereed Articles

Non-refereed Articles 1,199 records found  beginprevious241 - 250nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Science Article 
EPOS-IP Deliverable D10.3 Report on Dissemination and Impact Assessment / Bruyninx, C. ; EPOS, GNSS team
published in H2020 Participant Portal, pp. 1-11 (2018) [SCART-2019-0050]
Science Article 
Constraining Ice mass Changes in Coastal Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica "ICECON" / Pattyn, F. ; Bruyninx, C. ; Tison, J.-L. ; Bergeot, N. ; et al
published in Final Report Research Project SD/CA/06A, Thematic Antarctica - Climate, pp. 1-87 (2018) [SCART-2019-0049]
Science Article 
The BINA collaboration: science at the Royal Observatory of Belgium / De Cat, Peter ; Cuypers, Jan ; Blomme, Ronny ; Frémat, Yves ; et al
published in Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, 87, pp. 92-101 (2018) 10.25518/0037-9565.7528 [SCART-2019-0047]
Science Article 
Science of Solar System Objects with the Gaia Mapping Mission and the GDR Catalogues / Hestroffer, Daniel ; Berthier, Jérôme ; Cellino, Alberto ; David, Pedro ; et al
published in COSPAR 2018. 42nd Assembly. Scientific Assembly Abstracts, pp. 209-209 (2018) [SCART-2019-0046]
Science Article 
Towards an autonomous BRAMS network / Calders, S. ; Lamy, H. ; Anciaux, M. ; Ranvier, S. ; et al
submitted to Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference 2018, Pezinok, Slovakia, August 30 - September 2 (2019) [SCART-2019-0036]
Science Article 
Tricks of the trade: global analysis of visual meteor observations using VMDB and MetFns / Rendtel, J. ; Veljković, K. ; Weiland, T. ; Verbeeck, C. ; et al
submitted to Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference 2018, Pezinok, Slovakia, August 30 - September 2 (2019) [SCART-2019-0035]
Science Article 
BRAMS radio observations analyzed: activity of some major meteor showers / Verbeeck, C. ; Lamy, H. ; Calders, S. ; Tétard, C. ; et al
submitted to Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference 2018, Pezinok, Slovakia, August 30 - September 2 (2019) [SCART-2019-0034]
Science Article 
Gaia DR2 documentation Chapter 4: Solar-System Objects / Cellino, A. ; Berthier, J. ; Delbò, M. ; Dell'Oro, A. ; et al
published in Gaia DR2 documentation, European Space Agency; Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium. (2018) [SCART-2019-0033]
Science Article 
Gaia DR2 documentation Chapter 6: Spectroscopy / Sartoretti, P. ; Blomme, R. ; David, M. ; Seabroke, G.
published in Gaia DR2 documentation, European Space Agency; Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium. (2018) [SCART-2019-0032]
Science Article 
Gaia DR2 documentation Chapter 10: Catalogue validation / Antoja, T. ; Arenou, F. ; Babusiaux, C. ; Barache, C. ; et al
published in Gaia DR2 documentation, European Space Agency; Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium. (2018) [SCART-2019-0031]

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