Non-refereed Articles

Non-refereed Articles 1,199 records found  beginprevious121 - 130nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Science Article 
Veiligheidsrapport - Probabilistische analyse van de seismische belasting van de oppervlaktebergingsinstallatie voor radioactief afval van categorie A in Dessel / Vanneste, Kris ; Verbeeck, Koen ; Richir, T. ; Camelbeeck, Thierry ; et al
published in Expertise report, pp. 70 (2011) [SCART-2020-0170]
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Science Article 
Seismic-loading analysis of the near-surface disposal facility for category-A radioactive waste (cAt) in the municipality of Dessel, Belgium - Part 2: Elastic modeling and experimental determination of the seismic transfer function at the site / Verbeeck, Koen ; Vanneste, Kris ; Camelbeeck, Thierry
published in Expertise report, pp. 91 (2011) [SCART-2020-0169]
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Science Article 
Seismic-loading analysis of the near-surface disposal facility for category-A radioactive waste (cAt) in the municipality of Dessel, Belgium - Part 1: Probabilistic seismic-hazard assessment of PGA and design response spectrum at bedrock level / Vanneste, Kris ; Camelbeeck, Thierry
published in Expertise report, pp. 107 (2011) [SCART-2020-0168]
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Science Article 
Generic Methodology for the Seismic Loading Definition on Structures / Richir, T. ; Vanneste, Kris ; Cool, W. ; Van Cotthem, A. ; et al
published in Expertise report, pp. 35 (2009) [SCART-2020-0167]
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Science Article 
Historical earthquake ground-motion check for the Belgian nuclear sites / Vanneste, Kris ; Camelbeeck, Thierry
published in Expertise report, pp. 24 (2012) [SCART-2020-0165]
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Science Article 
Probabilistic Seismic-Hazard Assessment (PSHA) of the Belgian nuclear sites / Vanneste, Kris ; Vleminckx, Bart ; Camelbeeck, Thierry
published in Expertise report, pp. 273 (2015) [SCART-2020-0164]
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Science Article 
Evaluation of Earthquake Level 2 (EL-2) hazard at outcropping rock for Belgian Nuclear Units: Capable-faults approach / Vanneste, Kris ; Camelbeeck, Thierry
published in Expertise report, pp. 12 (2018) [SCART-2020-0163]
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Science Article 
Seismic hazard analysis for Belgoprocess in accordance with FANC Guideline 2014-03-28-NH-5-4-4-EN on the evaluation of seismic hazards for class I nuclear installations / Vanneste, Kris ; Vlemincxk, Bart ; Verbeeck, Koen ; Camelbeeck, Thierry
published in Expertise report, pp. 41 (2016) [SCART-2020-0162]
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Science Article 
Soil transfer function for IRE at Fleurus-Farciennes / Verbeeck, Koen ; Camelbeeck, Thierry ; Vanneste, Kris
published in Expertise report, pp. 11 (2015) [SCART-2020-0161]
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Science Article 
Probabilistic Seismic-Hazard Assessment (PSHA) of the nuclear site of Fleurus in the frame of the Belgian Stress Tests / Vanneste, Kris ; Camelbeeck, Thierry ; Vleminckx, Bart ; Verbeeck, Koen
published in Expertise report, pp. 60 (2012) [SCART-2020-0160]
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