Invited Talks

Invited Talks 298 records found  beginprevious101 - 110nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Conf. Talk (Inv.) 
RISE, presentation for the InSightSeers “InSight 101” status. / Dehant, V. ; Le Maistre, S. ; et al
Invited talk presented at InSight SWT, Virtual on 2022-02-28 [CTALK-2022-0094]
Conf. Talk (Inv.) 
De geologische geschiedenis van Halle en het belang van de Zennevallei / Van Noten, Koen
Invited talk presented at KULeuven Alumni Seminar: "Halle - Hoofdplaats van de Zennevallei. Hoe beheerden wij het water" on 2022-11-17 [CTALK-2022-0088]
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Conf. Talk (Inv.) 
Introduction to the Earth Tides / Van Camp, Michel ; Francis, Olivier ; et al
Invited talk presented at IGRF Workshop 2022, Leipzig, Germany on 2022-04-12 [CTALK-2022-0087]
Eruptions observed by EUI/FSI onboard Solar Orbiter / Mierla, Marilena ; EUI, Team
Invited talk presented at 8th Solar Orbiter Workshop, Belfast (UK) on 2022-09-12 [CTALK-2022-0084]
High frequency oscillations in Solar Orbiter/EUI observations / Petrova, Elena ; Berghmans, David ; et al
Invited talk presented at 8th Solar Orbiter Workhop, Belfast (UK) on 2022-09-12 [CTALK-2022-0083]
When Federal Scientific Institutions (FSIs) join forces / Van Noten, Koen
Invited talk presented at 125th Anniversary of the Geological Survey of Belgium on 2022-06-09 [CTALK-2022-0064]
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Performance of the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) High-Resolution Imager (HRI-EUV) telescope: from ground calibration to first in-flight images, and future EUV space solar instruments / Gissot, Samuel ; Auchère, Frédéric ; et al
Invited talk presented at 317. PTB Seminar VUV and EUV Metrology, EUV 2021 on 2021-10-19 [CTALK-2022-0054]
Conf. Talk (Inv.) 
Using EUI to link EPD events back to the Sun / Rodriguez, L. ; Eui, Team
Invited talk presented at EPD co-Is meeting on 2022-03-23 [CTALK-2022-0052]
Conf. Talk (Inv.) 
LYRA Science and the future with SOSPIM / Dominique, Marie ; Gissot, Samuel
Invited talk presented at Sospim Science Meeting, on-line on 2021-10-21 [CTALK-2022-0043]
Conf. Talk (Inv.) 
Fusion des intensités macroséismiques "internet" transfrontalières européennes / Van Noten, Koen
Invited talk presented at GLISSS seminar: études macrosismiques transfrontalières: enjeux, constraintes et solutions on 2022-03-22 [CTALK-2022-0042]
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