Space Pole Publications Server 10 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Press Rel. 
"Le Soleil et nous", un livre grand public écrit par un scientifique de l’Observatoire / Pham, Lê Binh San ; Clette, Frédéric
Outgassing History and Escape of the Martian Atmosphere and Water Inventory / Lammer, Helmut ; Chassefière, Eric ; Karatekin, Özgür ; Morschhauser, A. ; et al
published in Space Science Reviews, 174 issue 1-4, pp. 113-154 (2013) 10.1007/s11214-012-9943-8 [SCART-2022-0121]
Science Article 
Effect of an meteorites and asteroids bombardments on the atmospheric evolution of Mars / Pham, Lê Binh San ; Karatekin, Özgür ; Dehant, Véronique
published in EPSC Abstracts, 5 issue EPSC2010-127 (2010) [SCART-2022-0118]
Effects of Meteorite Impacts on the Atmospheric Evolution of Mars / Pham, Le Binh San ; Karatekin, Ozgür ; Dehant, Veronique
published in Astrobiology, 9 issue 1, pp. 45-54 (2009) 10.1089/ast.2008.0242 [SCART-2022-0117]
Soapbox Science Brussels, voor de eerste keer in België / Pham, Lê Binh San ; Lefever, Karolien ; Bingen, Christine ; Piccialli, Arianna ; et al
published in Science Connection, 65 (2021) [OUTRART-2022-0006]
Soapbox Science Brussels, une première en Belgique / Pham, Lê Binh San ; Lefever, Karolien ; Bingen, Christine ; Piccialli, Arianna ; et al
published in Science connection, 65 issue Aout (2021) [OUTRART-2022-0005]
Soapbox Science Brussels: an outreach platform for the promotion of Women in Sciences in Belgium / Bingen, Christine ; Pham, Lê Binh San ; et al
Talk presented at EPSC conference, ODAA2 – Diversity and Inclusiveness in Planetary, online on 2021-09-21 [OUTRTLK-2022-0026]
Promotion of women in science: the Soapbox Science outreach platform in Belgium / Bingen, Christine ; Pham, Lê Binh San ; et al
Talk presented at EGU General Assembly 2021 online on 2021-04-26 [OUTRTLK-2022-0025]
10 February - launch of Solar Orbiter / Vanlommel, Petra ; Pham, Le Binh San ; et al
Press Rel. 
EUI and Solar Orbiter ready for launch! / Pham, Le Binh San ; Vanlommel, Petra ; et al

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