Space Pole Publications Server 4 records found  Search took 0.05 seconds. 
Conf. Poster 
Earthquake geology of the Kanda fault system (Tanganyika-Rukwa rift, SW highlands of Tanzania) / Delvaux, Damien ; Macheyeki, Athanas S. ; et al
Poster presented at EGU, Vienna, Austria on 2007-04-17 [SISMOimport-274]
Conf. Talk 
Investigation of active fault on the Ufipa plateau in SW Tanzania using combined SRTM-DTM, differential GPS, electric resistivity profiling and trenching / Delvaux, Damien ; Macheyeki, Athanas S. ; et al
Talk presented at Int. Assoc. for Mathematical Geology, XIth International Congress, Liège, Belgium, 03-08.09.2006 on 2006-09-xx [SISMOimport-273]
Conf. Talk 
Active faults of the Ufipa plateau, Tanganyika-Rukwa rift system in W-Tanzania / Macheyeki, Athanas S. ; Delvaux, Damien ; et al
Talk presented at 21st Colloquium of African Geology, Maputo, Moçambique, 03-05.07.2006. Geosciences for Poverty Relief! on 2006-07-xx [SISMOimport-272]
Conf. Talk 
Occurrence of large paleo-earthquakes along the major Kanda fault system (Tanganyika-Rukwa rift, SW highlands of Tanzania) / Macheyeki, Athanas S. ; Delvaux, Damien ; et al
Talk presented at EGU, Vienna, Austria on 2007-04-20 [SISMOimport-271]

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