Space Pole Publications Server 134 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Science Article (Ref.) 
Science Objectives of SOLAR-C / Imada, Shinsuke ; Ugarte-Urra, Ignacio ; De Pontieu, Bart ; Shimizu, Toshifumi ; et al
submitted to Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (2024) [SCART-2025-0122]
Science Article (Ref.) 
Unveiling Spatiotemporal Properties of Quasi-periodic Pulsations in an X-class Solar White-light Flare in the Balmer Continuum / Song, De-Chao ; Dominique, Marie ; Zimovets, Ivan ; Li, Qiao ; et al
submitted to The Astrophysical Journal Letters (2024) [SCART-2025-0121]
Outreach RadioTV 
Journal Télévisé: interview sur la lancement de PROBA3 / Dominique, Marie ; de Patoul, Judith
Program broadcasted on Bx1 on 2024-12-04 [RADIOTV-2025-0019]
Outreach RadioTV 
Journal Parlé: Interview sur le lancement de PROBA3 / Dominique, Marie
Program broadcasted on La Première on 2024-12-04 [RADIOTV-2025-0018]
Outreach RadioTV 
Journal Télévisé: interview sur le lancement de PROBA3 / Dominique, Marie
Program broadcasted on La une on 2024-12-04 [RADIOTV-2025-0017]
Outreach RadioTV 
Journal Télévisé: interview sur les étoiles filantes / Dominique, Marie
Program broadcasted on La Une on 2024-08-09 [RADIOTV-2025-0016]
Outreach RadioTV 
Journal Télévisé: interview sur les aurores en Belgique / Dominique, Marie
Program broadcasted on La Une on 2024-07-30 [RADIOTV-2025-0015]
Outreach RadioTV 
Emission Hors Cadre: Experts du soleil, la tête dans les étoiles / Bechet, Sabrina ; de Patoul, Judith ; et al
Program broadcasted on Bx1 on 2023-11-16 [RADIOTV-2025-0014]
Conf. Talk (Inv.) 
Quasi-Periodic Pulsations in solar flares / Dominique, Marie
Invited talk presented at Solar-C SWG board meeting on 2023-09-30 [CTALK-2025-0061]
Conf. Talk 
How can IRIS and Solar-C improve our understanding of the campfires observed by Solar Orbiter/EUI? / Dominique, Marie ; Zhukov, Andrei ; et al
Talk presented at Hinode-16/IRIS-13 Meeting on 2023-09-28 [CTALK-2025-0060]

Space Pole Publications Server : 134 records found   1 - 10nextend  jump to record:
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