Space Pole Publications Server 4 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Conf. Poster 
3D Visualisation of Solar Data: Preparing for Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe / Mueller, Daniel ; Fleck, Bernhard ; et al
Poster presented at Towards future research on space weather drivers, San Juan (Argentina) on 2019-07-02 [POSTER-2020-0001]
Conf. Talk 
jHelioviewer for Solar Orbiter / Nicula, B. ; Verstringe, F. ; et al
Talk presented at Solar Orbiter Modelling and Data analysis Working Group on 2017-07-10 [CTALK-2018-0046]
Science Article (Ref.) 
JHelioviewer. Time-dependent 3D visualisation of solar and heliospheric data / Müller, Daniel ; Nicula, Bogdan ; Felix, Simon ; Verstringe, Freek ; et al
published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 606 issue October 2017, pp. 13 (2017) 10.1051/0004-6361/201730893 [SCART-2018-0033]
Science Article 
3D Visualization of Solar Data: Preparing for Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus / Mueller, D. ; Felix, S. ; Meier, S. ; Csillaghy, A. ; et al
published in American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2014, abstract #SH21B-4098 (2014) [SIDCimport-1285]

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