Ref: CTALK-2025-0070

Characterization of a Newly Identified Pulsating Detached Eclipsing Binary

Kahraman Aliçavuș, Filiz ; Aliçavuș, Fahri ; De Cat, Peter

Talk presented at International Conference "Binary and Multiple Stars in the Era of Big Sky Surveys", Litomyšl, Czech Republic on 2024-09-14

Abstract: Double-lined detached eclipsing binaries are prime candidates for accurately determining fundamental stellar properties, such as mass and radius. Their scientific importance is further enhanced when they exhibit pulsations. This study presents a comprehensive analysis of a newly identified double-lined detached eclipsing binary system that demonstrates Delta Scuti type pulsations. We acquired high-resolution spectra, which were used to perform radial velocity and spectral analyses. Additionally, we analyzed the TESS light curve alongside the radial velocity data to delineate the binary and pulsational characteristics of the system. This analysis yielded precise stellar parameters and detailed pulsation profiles. We also modeled the system's evolutionary status, offering valuable insights into its developmental stage and future evolution.

The record appears in these collections:
Conference Contributions & Seminars > Conference Talks > Contributed Talks
Royal Observatory of Belgium > Astronomy & Astrophysics

 Record created 2025-02-20, last modified 2025-02-20

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