(37) Historical astronomical data: urgent need for preservation, digitization enabling scientific exploration
- Pevtsov, Alexei et al
- published in Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 51 issue 3, pp. 190 (2019)
- SCART-2020-0067
(37) Coronal voids and their magnetic nature
- Noelke, J. D. et al
- published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 678, pp. A196
- SCART-2023-0155
(36) Long-term monitoring with spring-based gravimeters: tilt-control benefits and application to the Rochefort Cave Laboratory (Belgium)
- Fores, B. et al
- Talk presented at EGU, Vienna on 2020-05-08
- CTALK-2020-0111
(36) Mars Express 10 years at Mars: Observations by the Mars Express Radio Science Experiment (MaRS).
- Pätzold, M. et al
- published in Planetary and Space Science, 127, pp. 44-90 (2016)
- SCART-2020-0077
(36) Enceladus as a potential oasis for life: Science goals and investigations for future explorations
- Choblet, G. et al
- published in White paper submitted to ESA’s Voyage 2050 call (2019)
- SCART-2020-0122
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